Organization, Support and Development
of the JINR Human Resources Programme
Leaders: | V.A. Matveev S.Z. Pakuliak |
Participating countries and international organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Ukraine, USA.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Implementation of the training programmes in the fields of JINR research in order to facilitate the career building for scientific and engineering specialists at the Institute and at research organizations of the JINR Member States;
creation of appropriate conditions for students and PhD students from universities of the Member States to enable them to work on their qualification theses; support of the educational process for students of the JINR-based departments from universities of the Russian Federation, as well as for the students sent to the UC from the Member States; organization international events including International student practices and international schools for young people from the JINR Member States; admission to the practical courses of undergraduate and postgraduate students and trainees on the basis of the cooperation agreements with international organizations and universities of the Member States; development and maintenance of educational laboratory utilities for specialized workshops on accelerator physics and nuclear physics; support and improvement of the licensed system of qualification development, professional skills gaining and mastering courses for JINR technical and engineering staff; development and promotion of outreach programmes on JINR and modern science achievements for school students and teachers, organization of excursions to the JINR basic facilities; further development of the JINR educational portal (edu.jinr.ru), development of virtual and real laboratories allowing students to be trained using modern experimental facilities; development of a set of e-learning courses on the main areas of research conducted at JINR, as well as on its basic facilities, participation in JINR promoting multimedia exhibitions.
Expected major results in the current year:
- Support of the educational process at the JINR-based departments of universities of the Russian Federation. Preparation and publication of the lecture courses as UC tutorials for students and postgraduates.
- Support of the system of assigning the Institute staff to work on their PhD theses at JINR without mastering postgraduate academic programmes.
- Coordination of the JINR Summer Student Programme, conduct of international schools and workshops for students, organization of international summer student practices for the JINR Member States. Expansion of scientific research directions of the projects for the JINR Summer Student Programme and increasing of the number of participants in the Programme.
- Development of the specialized workshop to conduct practical training on accelerator physics and nuclear physics performed on the basis of dedicated test-benches within the framework of functioning of the UC Scientific-Engineering Group established to implement the training programmes for engineering staff for the JINR laboratories and research centres in Member States. Organisation of JINR-based training for students of the International School of Engineering of Dubna University.
- Development and support of the computer infrastructure for implementing the training programmes in HEP data analysis and construction of modern physics facilities.
- Further development of the UC Physics Lab and of the Interschool Physics and Mathematics Open Classroom in order to organize lectures and hands-on activities in science for highschool students from the JINR Member States. Organization of scientific schools for physics teachers from the JINR Member States at CERN and at JINR.
- Organization of real excursions and virtual tours of JINR. Development of the Russian, English, French, and German courses for JINR staff.
- Development of e-learning courses in nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, and in JINR basic facilities. Promotion of modern educationainal resources in the JINR Member States.
- Organisation of JINR's participation in the Moscow Science Festival "NAUKA 0+" 2019 to be held in the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Launch of the system of virtual tours of JINR and video conferences with educational institutions of JINR Member States.
Participation of JINR in the interdisciplinary social and educational project "Summer School - 2019".
List of projects: | |||
Project | Leader | Priority (period of realisation) |
1. | Development of an open educational environment to support research priorities in materials science and structure of matter |
Yu.A. Panebratsev | 1 (2017-2019) |
List of Activities | ||||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | |||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR Responsible person |
Main researchers | |||
1. | Organization of the Educational Process at JINR |
V.A. Matveev S.Z. Pakuliak |
DLNP V.A. Bednyakov D.V. Naumov A.S. Zhemchugov |
V.V. Glagolev, A.G. Olshevskiy, A.Yu. Verkheev |
BLTP D.I. Kazakov A.P. Isaev A.B. Arbuzov |
A.V. Gladyshev, Yu.M. Shukrinov |
FLNP V.N. Shvetsov O.A. Culikov E.V. Lychagin |
A.M. Balagurov, A.V. Belushkin, D.P. Kozlenko |
VBLHEP V.D. Kekelidze E.A. Strokovsky D.V. Peshekhonov |
V.A. Nikitin, Yu.A. Panebratsev, S.S. Shimansky |
FLNR S.N. Dmitriev A.G. Popeko A.V. Karpov |
S.G. Belogurov, S.I. Sidorchuk |
LIT V.V. Korenkov T.A. Strizh D.V. Podgaynyi |
V.P. Gerdt, I.S. Pelevanyuk, O.I. Streltsova |
LRB E.A. Krasavin I.V. Koshlan |
Yu.S. Severyukhin |
Directorate B.Yu. Sharkov B.N. Gikal |
A.V. Dudarev, E.D. Uglov |
SOICO A.S. Sorin D.V. Kamanin A.A. Kotova |
W. Chmielowski |
2. | Developing of modern educational projects |
Y.A. Panebratsev |
G.N. Agakishiev, V.V. Belaga, E.I. Golubeva, N.E. Sidorov, X.V. Klygina, Yu.D. Orlova, M.P. Osmachko, P.D. Semchukov, G.A. Yarygin, N.I. Vorontsova |
3. | Outreach programmes of JINR: popularisation of science and promotion of the achievements of JINR |
S.Z. Pakuliak A.A. Suschevich |
N.V. Anfimov, M.V. Fomina, C. Kullenberg, M.V. Shirchenko, A.Yu. Verkheev |
A.V. Frizen |
K. Hramko |
A.S. Bogomolova, D.K. Dryablov, D.I. Klimanskii, C. Roslon, N.E. Sidorov |
K.B. Gikal, A.A. Voinov |
I.S. Pelevanyuk, Sh.G. Torosyan |
T.S. Bulanova, I.A. Kolesnikova, Yu.S. Severyukhin |
JINR Universal Library |
O.V. Gaponova, M.S. Pilipenko |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Armenia | Yerevan | YSU | |
Azerbaijan | Baku | IP ANAS | |
Belarus | Minsk | BSU | |
INP BSU | |||
ISEI BSU | |||
ME RB | |||
Gomel | GSU | ||
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS | |
NRA | |||
SU | |||
Blagoevgrad | SWU | ||
CERN | Geneva | CERN | |
Cuba | Havana | ASC | |
Czech Republic | Prague | CU | |
CTU | |||
Egypt | Cairo | ASRT | |
Kazakhstan | Almaty | KazNU | |
Astana | ENU | ||
Ust-Kamenogorsk | EKSU | ||
Moldova | Chisinau | ASM | |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | NUM | |
Poland | Krakow | NINP PAS | |
Lodz | UL | ||
Poznan | AMU | ||
Romania | Bucharest | UB | |
Russia | Moscow | MPEI | |
NNRU "MEPhI" | |||
SINP MSU | |||
Arkhangelsk | NArFU | ||
NSMU | |||
Belgorod | BelSU | ||
Dolgoprudny | MIPT | ||
Dubna | BSINP MSU | ||
Dubna State Univ. | |||
Ivanovo | ISU | ||
Krasnodar | KSU | ||
Kostroma | KSU | ||
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | ||
Smolensk | SSU | ||
Tomsk | TPU | ||
Tula | TSU | ||
Tver | TvSU | ||
Voronezh | VSU | ||
Yakutsk | NEFU | ||
Serbia | Belgrade | INS "VINCA" | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU | |
Kosice | PJSU | ||
South Africa | Pretoria | DST | |
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU | |
NUK | |||
USA | Upton, NY | BNL | |
Vietnam | Hanoi | IOP VAST | |
Da Lat | DLU | ||