Theory of Nuclear Systems
Leaders: | N.V. Antonenko S.N. Ershov A.A. Dzhioev |
Participating countries and international organizations:
Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Suggestion of new theoretical approaches for description and prediction of properties of superheavy, unstable nuclei and exotic nuclear systems, calculation of their characteristics; improvement of models for explanation of mechanisms of reactions of nuclei with particles and nuclei at low and intermediate energies; establishment of universal laws in low-dimensional small-particle systems and small-particle systems at ultra-low energies; development of the two-stage hybrid model of nuclear collisions at relativistic energies; study of nonlinear quantum processes in the interaction of photons with ultrashort high-frequency laser pulses.
Expected major results in the current year:
- Study of the role of the interaction of one- and two-phonon states in the description of the beta decay rates of 130Cd on the trajectory of the r-process.
Extension of the method of Wigner function moments by including the isovector-isoscalar coupling to study the fine structure of nuclear scissors mode.
Systematic exploration of the selected E1 toroidal states in light nuclei within the quasiparticle random-phase-approximation with Skyrme forces.
Investigation of the effect of tensor interaction on the rates of weak-interaction mediated processes with hot nuclei in supernova matter within the Skyrme-TQRPA self-consistent approach.
Study of the statistical properties of the spectrum of 1 - states in Pb isotopes based on random matrix theory.
Exploration of the isomeric states and their decay characteristics in superheavy nuclei. - Study of the dependence of correlations between angular and mass distributions of quasi-fission products and multinucleon transfer reactions on the entrance channel in heavy ion collisions.
Evaluation of the dynamic deformation of nuclear surface in heavy ion collisions at near-barrier energies.
Ascertainment of the energy restrictions on the realization of a true ternary fission: sequential and simultaneous fission mechanisms.
Investigation of the influence of charge and mass asymmetry dynamics on the widths of fission mass distributions within the DNS model.
Study of the exchange of nucleon pairs and alpha-particle between DNS nuclei and its influence on the fusion probability by applying the master equation with the phenomenological transport coefficients.
Study of the dissipation effect on relaxation of collective states in finite quantum systems. - Theoretical investigation of ultracold scattering by static impurities in atomic traps.
Proof of preserving the unconditional basis property for spectral subspaces under non-self-adjoint perturbations of self-adjoint Hamiltonians.
Development of low-energy approximation for two-dimensional scattering amplitude on a long-range potential.
Calculations of structures of hypernuclei with two-hyperons and three-atom clusters He2Be in the framework of the Faddeev equations.
Analysis of metastable and bound states of a Beryllium trimer with realistic pair interactions in a collinear configuration.
Numerical computations of cluster states and breakup of exotic nuclear systems.
Elaboration of a new analytic adiabatic expression for excitation probability of the hydrogen atom in a laser field. - Investigation of the properties of pseudo-scalar mesons at finite temperature basing on the solutions of combined Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations.
Study of the distorted spin spectral function 3He to determine the three-dimensional structure of a nucleon from generalized parton distributions in exclusive deep-inelastic processes.
Obtaining of gluon and ghost propagators from solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equations for vertices and propagators of gluons, ghosts and quarks with effective kernels of interaction.
Elaboration of the relativistic statistical model of an expanding fireball of different topological forms on the basis of the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics and the local equilibrium principle to describe the experimental data on transverse momentum distributions of hadrons produced in the proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions at high energies.
Detailed analysis of the Breit-Wheeler electron-positron pair production in multi-consecutive short and ultra short (sub-cycle) laser pulses with arbitrary pulse polarization and carrier phase as a probe for nonlinear multi-photon dynamics in QED.
Development of theoretical models for open heavy quark production in hadronic interaction as a probe for the reaction mechanisms and the structure of exotic hadron resonances.
Calculation of the amplitude of the process ggand numerical computing of baryon masses within the three flavour Polyakov-Nambu-Jona Lasinio model.
Investigation of the electromagnetic form factors of 3He in the relativistic Bethe-Salpeter-Faddeev formalism taking into account two-particle states with a nonzero orbital angular momentum.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Microscopic models for exotic nuclei and nuclear astrophysics |
V.V. Voronov A.A. Dzhioev J. Kvasil |
N.N. Arsenyev, E.B. Balbutsev, H. Ganev, V.A. Kuz'min, L.A. Malov, I.V. Molodtsova, V.O. Nesterenko, A.P. Severyukhin, V.M. Shilov, A.V. Sushkov, A.I. Vdovin + 2 students |
N.Yu. Shirikova |
A.M. Sukhovoi |
V.B. Brudanin |
2. | Low-energy nuclear dynamics and properties of nuclear systems |
S.N. Ershov N.V. Antonenko R.V. Jolos |
G.G. Adamian, A.V. Andreev, A.N. Bezbakh, I.A. Egorova, V.G. Kartavenko, Sh. Kalandarov, A.K. Nasirov, R.G. Nazmitdinov, H. Pasca, I.S. Rogov, T.M. Shneidman, + 2 students |
L.V. Grigorenko, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich |
3. | Quantum few-body systems | A.K. Motovilov A.S. Melezhik |
D. Janseitov, I. Ishmukhamedov, S.S. Kamalov, O.P. Klimenko, E.A. Kolganova, V.N. Kondratyev, A.A. Korobitsyn, E.A. Koval, A.V. Malykh, V.S. Melezhik, V.V. Pupyshev, E.A. Solov'ev, D. Valiolda, S.I. Vinitsky + 4 students |
O.I. Kartavtsev |
O. Chulunbaatar, V.P. Gerdt, A.A. Gusev |
4. | Relativistic nuclear dynamics and nonlinear quantum processes |
V.V. Burov M. Gaidarov S.G.Bondarenko |
A.V. Frisen, L.P. Kaptari, A. Khvorostukhin, V.K. Lukyanov, E. Myrzabekova, A.S. Parvan, N. Sagimbaeva, A.I. Titov, V.D. Toneev, S.A. Yur'ev + 1 student |
K.V. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya |
A.I. Malakhov, N.M. Piskunov, Yu.A. Panebratsev, E.P. Rogochaya |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Armenia | Yerevan | RAU | |
YSU | |||
Austria | Innsbruck | Univ. | |
Belarus | Minsk | IP NASB | |
Belgium | Brussels | VUB | |
Louvain-la-Neuve | UCL | ||
Brazil | Florianopolis, SC | UFSC | |
Sao Paulo, SP | UEP | ||
Sao Jose dos Campos, SP | ITA | ||
Niteroi, RJ | UFF | ||
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS | |
NBU | |||
Canada | Hamilton | McMaster | |
Saskatoon | U of S | ||
China | Beijing | CIAE | |
ITP CAS | |||
PKU | |||
Czech Republic | Prague | CU | |
Rez | NPI CAS | ||
Egypt | Cairo | EAEA | |
Giza | CU | ||
France | Bordeaux | UB | |
Caen | GANIL | ||
Orsay | CSNSM | ||
IPN Orsay | |||
Germany | Bonn | UniBonn | |
Cologne | Univ. | ||
Darmstadt | GSI | ||
TU Darmstadt | |||
Dresden | HZDR | ||
Erlangen | FAU | ||
Hamburg | Univ. | ||
Frankfurt/Main | Univ. | ||
Giessen | JLU | ||
Leipzig | UoC | ||
Mainz | JGU | ||
Regensburg | UR | ||
Rostock | Univ. | ||
Siegen | Univ. | ||
Greece | Thessaloniki | AUTH | |
Athens | INP NCSR "Demokritos" | ||
Hungary | Budapest | Wigner RCP | |
Debrecen | Atomki | ||
India | Kasaragod | CUK | |
Chandigarh | PU | ||
Iran | Zanjan | IASBS | |
Italy | Bologna | Centro, ENEA | |
Catania | INFN LNS | ||
Naples | INFN | ||
Messina | UniMe | ||
Perugia | INFN | ||
Turin | UniTo | ||
Japan | Kobe | Kobe Univ. | |
Morioka | Iwate Univ. | ||
Osaka | RCNP | ||
Osaka Univ. | |||
Kazakhstan | Almaty | INP | |
Lithuania | Kaunas | VMU | |
Moldova | Chisinau | IAP ASM | |
Norway | Bergen | UiB | |
Oslo | UiO | ||
Poland | Krakow | NINP PAS | |
Lublin | UMCS | ||
Otwock-Swierk | NCBJ | ||
Warsaw | UW | ||
WUT | |||
Republic of Korea | Seoul | SNU | |
Daejeon | IBS | ||
Romania | Bucharest | IFIN-HH | |
UB | |||
Russia | Moscow | MSU | |
NNRU "MEPhI" | |||
NRC KI | |||
PFUR | |||
SINP MSU | |||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | ||
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | ||
Krasnoyarsk | KIP SB RAS | ||
Omsk | OmSU | ||
Saratov | SSU | ||
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | ||
Vladivostok | FEFU | ||
Serbia | Belgrade | IPB | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU | |
IP SAS | |||
Kosice | IEP SAS | ||
South Africa | Pretoria | UNISA | |
Stellenbosch | SU | ||
Cape Town | iThemba LABS | ||
Spain | Palma | UIB | |
Sweden | Lund | LU | |
Goteborg | Chalmers | ||
Switzerland | Bern | Uni Bern | |
Taiwan | Taipei | NTU | |
IP AS | |||
United Kingdom | Surrey | Univ. | |
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU | |
NUK | |||
Kharkov | NSC KIPT | ||
USA | Lemont, IL | ANL | |
Durham, NC | NCCU | ||
Los Alamos, NM | LANL | ||
Notre Dame, IN | ND | ||
University Park, PA | Penn State | ||
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | Assoc."P.-S." PTI | |
IAP NUU | |||