at the JINR Nuclotron-M Facility
Leader: | A.D. Kovalenko |
Deputies: | N.M. Piskunov V.P. Ladygin M. Finger (Jr.) R.A. Shindin |
Participating countries and international organizations:
Bulgaria, CERN, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Uzbekistan.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Development of the infrastructure for spin physics research at the Nuclotron-M/NICA and other facilities. Preparation of the spin control and polarimetry system projects. Measurement of analyzing power in the reaction of polarized protons and polarized neutrons with polyethylene target at the momentum up to 7.5 GeV/c and up to 6.0 GeV/c for the polarized proton and neutron respectively at the setup ALPOM-2. Study of 2N- and 3N-correlations in deuteron-proton elastic scattering and deuteron break-up reactions at the Nuclotron internal target. Measurement of the cross sections and deuteron analyzing powers of the reactions. Completion of the data analysis obtained at the setup Delta-Sigma. Preparation of the proposals on modernization of the spectrometer and the Saclay-Argonne-JINR polarized proton target (setup PPT). Obtained new data on the studying of charge-exchange processes in the interactions of polarized deuterons and protons at the setup STRELA. Development of theoretical models for the description of the simplest nuclear systems taking into account relativistic effects, meson and quark-gluon components of the internal movement. Theoretical analysis of the experimental data obtained at the Nuclotron-M. The study of the properties of strongly interacting matter utilizing polarization phenomena in hadron-nucleon and lepton-nucleon interactions, and in the decay of polarized radioactive atomic nuclei. Study of highly excited nuclear matter and collective effects in nuclear media; delta and other nucleonic resonance excitations on protons and nuclei. Works on the program of the setup DELTA-2 design INR RAN/JINR.
Expected results in the current year:
- Works:
a) preparation of technical documentation for the project of low energy proton and deuteron polarimeter at the Nuclotron injection channel;
b) work on the project of a polarimeter based on a cluster target for the NICA collider. - Fulfilment of the works in accordance with the approved projects and collaborative protocols within the frames of their real financial support, including realization of the projects ALPOM-2 and DSS. Completion of the proton polarimeter upgrade at the Nuclotron internal target. Completion of the data analysis on the analyzing powers Ay, Ayy and Axx in deuteron-proton elastic scattering at the energies 400-1300 MeV. Publication and reports of the results.
- Conceptual design of the installation scheme of the equipment aimed at beam polarimetry, and the polarization control at the SPD straight section of the collider.
- Participation in the joint scientific programs and experiments, design and test of the new detectors elements at the other facilities SPS, LHC, FCC (CERN), RHIC (BNL), MEIC (TJNAF), FAIR (GSI) etc. in accordance with the Agreements.
- Continuation of the development of new calculation methods of the amplitudes and polarization characteristics of deuteron fragmentation and deuteron elastic scattering on protons and nuclei taking into account FSI and relativistic effects.
- Analysis of possibilities of providing new experiments with polarized proton and deuteron beams at the NICA complex, searching of the EDM, in particular.
List of projects: | |||
Project | Leader | Priority (period of realisation) |
1. | ALPOM-2 | N.M. Piskunov | 1 (2010-2021) |
2. | DSS | V.P. Ladygin M. Janek K. Sekiguchi |
1 (2010-2021) |
List of Activities | |||||
Activity or Experiment | Leaders | ||||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR Responsible person |
Main researchers | ||||
1. |
Development of spin physics
A.D. Kovalenko |
VBLHEP | A.V. Averyanov, Yu.N. Filatov, V.V. Fimushkin, V.V. Glagolev, A.A. Kolomiets, M.Yu. Korobitsyna, D.O. Krivenkov, R.A. Kuzyakin, M.V. Kulikov, V.P. Ladygin, K.S. Legostaeva, A.N. Livanov, N.M. Piskunov, S.G. Reznikov, R.A. Shindin, E.A. Strokovsky, A.M. Taratin | ||||
DLNP | M. Finger, M. Finger (Jr.), Yu.N. Uzikov | ||||
LIT | R.V. Polyakova | ||||
2. | ALPOM-2 Project | N.M. Piskunov |
VBLHEP | S.N. Bazylev, Yu.P. Bushuev, O.P. Gavrishchuk, V.V. Glagolev, A.N. Livanov, D.A. Kirillov, A.D. Kovalenko, A.A. Povtoreyko, P.A. Rukoyatkin, R.A. Shindin, I.M. Sitnik | ||||
3. | DSS Project | V.P. Ladygin M. Janek K. Sekiguchi |
VBLHEP | E.V. Chernykh, Yu.V. Gurchin, A.Yu. Isupov, A.N. Khrenov, N.B. Ladygina, A.N. Livanov, S.G. Reznikov, Ya.T. Skhomenko, A.A. Terekhin, A.V. Tishevsky, I.S. Volkov | ||||
DLNP | G.I. Lykasov | ||||
4. | Delta-Sigma setup | R.A. Shindin |
VBLHEP | Yu.T. Borzunov, E.V. Chernykh, I.P. Yudin | ||||
DLNP | N.S. Borisov, E.I. Bunyatova, M. Finger, M. Finger (Jr.), M. Slunechka, V. Slunechkova, Yu.A. Usov | ||||
FLNP | S.B. Borzakov | ||||
5. | Experiments on the program STRELA at polarized beam |
N.M. Piskunov |
VBLHEP | S.N. Bazylev, Yu.P. Bushuev, V.V. Glagolev, D.A. Kirillov, A.A. Povtoreyko, I.M. Sitnik | ||||
6. | Theoretical calculations of polarized processes |
V.V. Burov V.K. Lukyanov |
BLTP | V.V. Burov | ||||
VBLHEP | N.B. Ladygina, A.P. Ierusalimov | ||||
7. | Spin effects in hadron-nucleon and lepton-nucleon interactions |
M. Finger(Jr.) |
DLNP | E.I. Bunyatova, M. Finger, M. Slunechka, V. Slunechkova | ||||
8. | Works on the program DELTA-2 (INR RAS - JINR) |
A.B. Kurepin A.N. Livanov |
VBLHEP | Yu.S. Anisimov, S.N. Bazylev, A.P. Ierusalimov, V.P. Ladygin, S.M. Piyadin |
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or laboratory |
Bulgaria | Sofia | UCTM |
CERN | Geneva | CERN |
Czech Republic | Brno | ISI CAS |
Prague | CTU | |
CU | ||
Rez | UJV | |
France | Orsay | IPN Orsay |
Saclay | IRFU | |
Germany | Bochum | RUB |
Darmstadt | FAIR | |
Dresden | TU Dresden | |
Freiburg | FMF | |
Julich | FZJ | |
Tubingen | Univ. | |
Japan | Hiroshima | Hiroshima Univ. |
Miyazaki | Miyazaki Univ. | |
Osaka | RCNP | |
Sendai | Tohoku Univ. | |
Tokyo | UT | |
Wako | RIKEN | |
Poland | Otwock (Swierk) | NCBJ |
Romania | Bucharest | INCDIE ICPE-CA |
Russia | Belgorod | BelSU |
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | |
Moscow | LPI RAS | |
NRC KI | ||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | IP SAS |
Kosice | IEP SAS | |
UPJS | ||
Zilina | UZ | |
Sweden | Uppsala | TSL |
Switzerland | Villigen | PSI |
Ukraine | Kharkov | NSC KIPT |
United Kingdom | Glasgow | U of G |
USA | Newport News, VA | JLab |
Norfolk, VA | NSU | |
Upton, NY | BNL | |
Williamsburg, VA | W&M | |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | Assoc. P.-S. PTI |