of the JINR Human Resources Programme
Leaders: | V.A. Matveev S.Z. Pakuliak |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, Cuba, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Ukraine, Vietnam.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Development of the human resources training programmes at JINR aimed at further employment of the trainees as scientific and engineering specialists of the Institute; creation of appropriate conditions for students and PhD students from universities of the Member States to enable them to work on their qualification theses based on the research conducted in the laboratories of the Institute; support of the educational process for students of the JINR-based departments at the universities of the Russian Federation, as well as participation in the development of network training programmes; organisation and running of international student practices and schools for young people from the JINR Member States; training of students, PhD students, and interns on the basis of cooperation agreements with the universities of the JINR Member States and international organisations; building and maintenance of the laboratory environment intended for hands-on training in scientific and engineering disciplines; support and further development of the system of training courses aimed at gaining or improving professional skills and qualifications of JINR technical and engineering personnel; development of the JINR educational portal (edu.jinr.ru) and interactive exposition “JINR main facilities”; further development of the set of e-learning courses on the main areas of research conducted at JINR in the official languages of the Institute and by its leading experts; development of virtual and real laboratories allowing students to be trained using modern experimental equipment; development of the JINR outreach programme and promotion of modern science achievements among school students and teachers, organisation of excursions and online tours of the JINR basic facilities; participation in science festivals, exhibitions, and forums promoting JINR; development of cooperation and communication with educational centres for school students; design and production of information materials for the JINR information centres, administration of the UC groups in the social media.
Expected major results in the current year:
- Support and supervision of the educational process at the JINR-based departments of the Russian universities.
- Support of the system of assigning young researchers to JINR laboratories for preparation of their PhD theses.
- Organisation and running of the International Student Practices in JINR Fields of Research for students of the JINR Member States' universities.
- Expansion of the scientific scope and duration of research projects of the Summer Student Programme at JINR and increasing the number of its participants.
- Development of an information system on the preparation of qualification theses by students and PhD students from universities of the JINR Member States in the Institute laboratories.
- Organisation and running of the Engineering and Physics Training hands-on activities for students and PhD students from the JINR Member States, further development of the existing laboratory works, development of a laboratory work on dosimetry.
- Organisation of scientific schools for physics teachers from the Institute Member States at CERN and JINR.
- Further development of virtual tours of JINR and video-conferences with educational institutions of the Institute Member States.
- Development of a set of e-learning courses in nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, and the basic facilities of JINR.
- Promotion of modern educational resources in the JINR Member States.
- Organisation of the participation of JINR in science festivals on the basis of Russian universities.
- Development of the language courses programme aimed at teaching Russian as a foreign language and English to JINR personnel.
- Participation of JINR in an interdisciplinary social educational project "Summer School-2022”.
- Participation in the design and production of printed, video, and exhibition information materials intended for the JINR information centres.
- Running of popular science events in schools (lectures, demonstrations of chemical and physical experiments, quizzes, quests, excursions, meetings with scientists, vocational orientation events, and competitions for school and university students).
- Organisation of the participation of JINR in career forums at universities.
List of projects: | |||
Project | Leader | Priority (period of realisation) |
1. | Open information and educational environment for supporting fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research at JINR | Yu.A. Panebrattsev | 1 (2021-2023) |
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Organization of the Educational Process at JINR |
V.A. Matveev S.Z. Pakuliak |
DLNP V.A. Bednyakov D.V. Naumov A.S. Zhemchugov |
A.G. Olshevskiy, A.Yu. Verkheev |
BLTP D.I. Kazakov A.P. Isaev A.B. Arbuzov |
Yu.M. Shukrinov, A.A. Vladimirov |
FLNP V.N. Shvetsov E.V. Lychagin O.A. Culikov |
M.V. Avdeev, A.V. Belushkin |
VBLHEP N.A. Strokovsky A.S. Sorin O.V.Belov |
D.K. Dryablov, S.V. Shmatov |
FLNR S.I. Sidorchuk A.V. Karpov A.G. Popeko |
S.G. Belogurov, K.B. Gikal |
MLIT V.V. Korenkov T.A. Strizh O.Yu. Derenovskaya |
I.S. Pelevanyuk |
LRB A.N. Bugay E.A.Krasavin I.V. Koshlan |
G.N. Timoshenko |
Directorate V.D. Kekelidze L.Kostov B.N. Gikal |
B.Yu. Sharkov, E.D. Uglov |
ICD D.V. Kamanin A.A. Kotova |
W. Chmielowski |
2. | Developing of modern educational projects |
Y.A. Panebrattsev |
G.N. Agakishiev, E.I. Golubeva, R.V. Klygina, Yu.D. Orlova, M.P. Osmachko, G.D. Semchukov, N.E. Sidorov, N.I. Vorontsova, G.A. Yarygin |
3. | Outreach and JINR promotion |
A.A. Suzhevich |
N.V. Anfimov, M.V. Shirchenko, A.Yu. Verkheev |
A.V. Andreev, A.V. Frizen |
M.V. Bulavin, D.M. Chudoba, C. Khramko |
D.K. Dryablov, D.I. Klimansky |
K.B. Gikal, A.V. Karpov |
I.S. Pelevanyuk |
T.S. Khramko, I.A. Kolesnikova, Yu.S. Severyukhin |
Universal JINR library |
M.S. Pilipenko |
4. | Engineering and Physics Training | M.A. Nozdrin |
VBLHEP | G.A. Filatov, S.A. Goncharov, V.V. Kobets, V.V. Kosachev, K.G. Osipov, R.V. Pivin, D.O. Ponkin, I.V. Shirikov | |
DLNP | A.N. Trifonov, A.V. Chetverikov, A.S. Zhemchugov | |
FLNR | D.S. Belozerov, A.Yu. Bodrov, V.A. Buzmakov, K.B. Gikal, A.M. Kapitonov, A.V. Khalkin, E.V. Melnik, K.V. Papenkov, A.V. Sabelnikov, K.A. Verlamov, V.Yu. Zhegolev, D.A. Zlydenny |
Country or International Organization | City | Institute or laboratory |
Armenia | Yerevan | YSU |
Azerbaijan | Baku | IP ANAS |
Belarus | Gomel | GSU |
Minsk | INP BSU | |
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS |
SU | ||
CERN | Geneva | CERN |
Cuba | Havana | ASC |
Czech Republic | Prague | CTU |
CU | ||
Kazakhstan | Almaty | KazNU |
Nur-Sultan | ENU | |
Ust-Kamenogorsk | EKSU | |
Moldova | Chisinau | ASM |
MSU | ||
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | MNUE |
NUM | ||
Poland | Krakow | INP PAS |
Poznan | AMU | |
Romania | Bucharest | UB |
Russia | Arkhangelsk | NArFU |
NSMU | ||
Belgorod | BelSU | |
Dolgoprudny | MIPT | |
Dubna | Dubna State Univ. | |
Ivanovo | ISU | |
Kazan | KFU | |
KNRTU | ||
Kostroma | KSU | |
Krasnodar | KSU | |
Moscow | BMSTU | |
MPEI | ||
MSU | ||
NNRU "MEPhI" | ||
NRU HSE | ||
Smolensk | SSU | |
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | |
Tomsk | TPU | |
TSU | ||
Tula | TSU | |
Vladikavkaz | NOSU | |
Vladivostok | FEFU | |
Voronezh | VSU | |
Yakutsk | NEFU | |
Yaroslavl | YSU | |
Yekaterinburg | UrFU | |
Serbia | Novi Sad | UNS |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU |
Kosice | STM | |
UPJS | ||
South Africa | Somerset West | iThemba LABS |
Stellenbosch | SU | |
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU |
NUK | ||
Vietnam | Hanoi | IOP VAST |