Leaders: | N.V. Antonenko S.N. Ershov A.A. Dzhioev |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Suggestion of new theoretical approaches for description and prediction of properties of superheavy, unstable nuclei and exotic nuclear systems, calculation of their characteristics; improvement of models for explanation of mechanisms of reactions of nuclei with particles and nuclei at low and intermediate energies; establishment of universal laws in low-dimensional small-particle systems and small-particle systems at ultra-low energies; development of the two-stage hybrid model of nuclear collisions at relativistic energies; study of nonlinear quantum processes in the interaction of photons with ultrashort high-frequency laser pulses.
Expected main results in the current year:
- Investigation of the nature of vortical states in nuclei within the random-phase-approximation method with Skyrme forces.
Study of the relationship between collective and cluster motions in light nuclei within the proton-neutron symplectic shell-model theory.
Study of the effect of the phonon-phonon coupling on the E0- strength distribution in the neutron-rich Sn isotopes.
Study of the pygmy dipole resonance of 134Sn via the beta-decay of the nucleus 134In.
Study of low lying 1 + and 2 + excitations in nuclei by solving the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equations with the method of Wigner function moments for the harmonic oscillator model with quadrupole and spin-quadrupole interactions.
Investigation of the effect of the coupling between one- and two-phonon configurations in hot nuclei on the rates of weak- interaction mediated process in supernova matter. - Analysis of the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei with the self-consistent mean-field model and predictions of their properties.
Analysis of the production of new isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions.
Evaluation of the excitation functions in the reactions of astrophysical interest.
Study of the influence of the mass/charge ratio in colliding nuclei on the capture and complete fusion probabilities in reactions with the same total number of protons in the projectile and target.
Investigation of the level densities in the ground states and at the barrier in superheavy nuclei.
Study of the influence of coupled nucleon and alpha particle transitions between nuclei in the dinuclear system on fusion-fission probability.
Study of equilibration and thermalization in finite quantum systems embedded into few heat bathes and external fields.
Exploration of 6He strength functions for transitions to different Gamow-Teller channels, including the beta decay into the two-body 4He+d channel which until now has no satisfactory explanation. - Quantum-mechanical analysis of atom-ion confinement-induced resonances, including the effect of ion motion.
Low-energy approximation of the two-dimensional scattering amplitude by a superposition of Coulomb and decreasing power-like potentials.
Proof of preservation of the unconditional basis property for spectral subspaces under unbounded non-Hermitian perturbations of self-adjoint Hamiltonians.
Construction of the adiabatic theory of ultra-narrow autoionization resonances of the helium atom.
Investigation of scattering processes in the system of three beryllium atoms with realistic pairwise interactions in collinear configuration.
Study of the Efimov resonances in asymmetric three-atom systems.
Study of the energy exchange in neutrino scattering by nuclear particles.
Study of angular and energy spectra of Compton scattering of photons on the bound electrons of atoms and molecules.
Study of cluster states in 1p shell nuclei. - Systematic study of nonlinear quantum processes in strong electromagnetic fields is planned, in particular, investigation of multi-photon regime of quantum processes with short ultra-short intensive laser pulses with different pulse polarization.
Development of theoretical models for production of exotic hadrons in photo- and hadron- induced reactions as a probe for the reaction mechanism and structure of exotic hadrons.
Obtaining pf the amplitude of the processusing a separable model; derivation of the equation of state for baryon matter in the frame of the SU(3) PNJL model; study of the chiral phase transition of quark matter under rotation in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model.
Analytical continuation of the numerical solution of the Dayson-Scwinger equations (the rainbow approximation) to Euclidean space of complex momenta and detailed analyses with the aim of subsequent implementation in the Bethe-Salpeter equations for two-gluon bound states.
Obtaining of the transverse momentum distributions of hadrons created in high-energy heavy-ion and proton-proton collisions in the Tsallis nonextensive statistics and the local equilibrium statistical models.
Theoretical analysis of the one proton halo nucleus 17F scattering on nuclei by using the developed microscopic model of optical potential.
Investigation of the influence of event-by-event fluctuations on pion and proton rapidity distributions and transverse momentum spectra for NICA energies within the HydHSD hybrid model.
Investigation of elastic and inelastic electron-deuteron scattering in the Bete-Salpeter approach with large momenta transfer.
Investigation of the 3He electromagnetic form factors and elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering in the Bethe-Salpeter-Faddeev relativistic formalism using multirank separable kernels.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Microscopic models for exotic nuclei and nuclear astrophysics |
V.V. Voronov A.A. Dzhioev J. Kvasil |
N.N. Arsenyev, E.B. Balbutsev, H. Ganev, V.A. Kuz'min, L.A. Malov, I.V. Molodtsova, V.O. Nesterenko, A.P. Severyukhin, V.M. Shilov, A.V. Sushkov, A.I. Vdovin, 2 students |
N.Yu. Shirikova |
A.M. Sukhovoi |
V.B. Brudanin |
2. | Low-energy nuclear dynamics and properties of nuclear systems |
S.N. Ershov N.V. Antonenko R.V. Jolos |
G.G. Adamian, A.V. Andreev, A.N. Bezbakh, V.G. Kartavenko, Sh. Kalandarov, A.K. Nasirov, R.G. Nazmitdinov, H. Pa\c{s |
L.V. Grigorenko, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich |
3. | Quantum few-body systems | A.K. Motovilov A.S. Melezhik |
D. Janseitov, I. Ishmukhamedov, O.P. Klimenko, E.A. Kolganova, V.N. Kondratyev, A.A. Korobitsyn, E.A. Koval, A.V. Malykh, V.S. Melezhik, E.A. Solov'ev, D. Valiolda, S.I. Vinitsky, \\4 students |
O.I. Kartavtsev |
O. Chulunbaatar, V.P. Gerdt, A.A. Gusev |
4. | Relativistic nuclear dynamics and nonlinear quantum processes |
V.V. Burov M. Gaidarov S.G.Bondarenko |
A.V. Frisen, L.P. Kaptari, A. Khvorostukhin, V.K. Lukyanov, E. Myrzabekova, A.S. Parvan, N. Sagimbaeva, A.I. Titov, V.D. Toneev, S.A. Yur'ev, 1 student |
K.V. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya |
A.I. Malakhov, N.M. Piskunov, Yu.A. Panebratsev, E.P. Rogochaya |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Armenia | Yerevan | RAU | |
YSU | |||
Austria | Innsbruck | Univ. | |
Belarus | Minsk | IP NASB | |
Belgium | Brussels | VUB | |
Louvain-la-Neuve | UCL | ||
Brazil | Florianopolis, SC | UFSC | |
Sao Paulo, SP | UEP | ||
Sao Jose dos Campos, SP | ITA | ||
Niteroi, RJ | UFF | ||
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS | |
NBU | |||
Canada | Hamilton | McMaster | |
Saskatoon | U of S | ||
China | Beijing | CIAE | |
ITP CAS | |||
PKU | |||
Czech Republic | Prague | CU | |
Rez | NPI CAS | ||
Egypt | Cairo | EAEA | |
Giza | CU | ||
France | Bordeaux | UB | |
Caen | GANIL | ||
Orsay | CSNSM | ||
IPN Orsay | |||
Germany | Bonn | UniBonn | |
Cologne | Univ. | ||
Darmstadt | GSI | ||
TU Darmstadt | |||
Dresden | HZDR | ||
Erlangen | FAU | ||
Hamburg | Univ. | ||
Frankfurt/Main | Univ. | ||
Giessen | JLU | ||
Leipzig | UoC | ||
Mainz | JGU | ||
Regensburg | UR | ||
Rostock | Univ. | ||
Siegen | Univ. | ||
Greece | Thessaloniki | AUTH | |
Athens | INP NCSR "Demokritos" | ||
Hungary | Budapest | Wigner RCP | |
Debrecen | Atomki | ||
India | Kasaragod | CUK | |
Chandigarh | PU | ||
Iran | Zanjan | IASBS | |
Italy | Bologna | BRC ENEA | |
Catania | INFN LNS | ||
Naples | INFN | ||
Messina | UniMe | ||
Perugia | INFN | ||
Turin | UniTo | ||
Japan | Kobe | Kobe Univ. | |
Morioka | Iwate Univ. | ||
Osaka | RCNP | ||
Osaka Univ. | |||
Kazakhstan | Almaty | INP | |
Lithuania | Kaunas | VMU | |
Moldova | Chisinau | IAP | |
Norway | Bergen | UiB | |
Oslo | UiO | ||
Poland | Krakow | NINP PAS | |
Lublin | UMCS | ||
Otwock (Swierk) | NCBJ | ||
Warsaw | UW | ||
WUT | |||
Republic of Korea | Seoul | SNU | |
Daejeon | IBS | ||
Romania | Bucharest | IFIN-HH | |
UB | |||
Russia | Moscow | MSU | |
NNRU "MEPhI" | |||
NRC KI | |||
PFUR | |||
SINP MSU | |||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | ||
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | ||
Omsk | OmSU | ||
Saratov | SSU | ||
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | ||
Vladivostok | FEFU | ||
Serbia | Belgrade | IPB | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU | |
IP SAS | |||
South Africa | Pretoria | UNISA | |
Stellenbosch | SU | ||
Faure | iThemba LABS | ||
Spain | Palma | UIB | |
Sweden | Lund | LU | |
Goteborg | Chalmers | ||
Switzerland | Bern | Uni Bern | |
Taiwan | Taipei | NTU | |
IP AS | |||
United Kingdom | Guildford | Univ. | |
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU | |
NUK | |||
Kharkov | NSC KIPT | ||
USA | Lemont, IL | ANL | |
Raleigh, NC | NCCU | ||
Los Alamos, NM | LANL | ||
Notre Dame, IN | ND | ||
University Park, PA | Penn State | ||
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | Assoc."P.-S." PTI | |
IAP NUU | |||
INP AS RUz | |||
Namangan | NamETI |