Leaders: | D.I. Kazakov O.V. Teryaev |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, ICTP, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
The main aim of the research within the theme is the construction of theoretical models and their application to the description of properties of elementary particles and their interactions. This research includes the following directions of activity.
The development of quantum field theory formalism in gauge and supersymmetric theories. Construction and investigation of the models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model. Theoretical support of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider on the search of new physics and the study of the properties of the Higgs boson.
Calculation of radiative corrections to the processes of particle creation within the Standard Model and its extensions. Investigation of neutrino properties and neutrino oscillations. Investigation of the hadron properties within quantum chromodynamics and phenomenological quark models. Study of the hadron spin structure with the help of generalized and transverse momentum dependent parton distributions and theoretical support of NICA/SPD program.
Study of heavy quark properties and exotic hadrons. Lattice simulations for obtaining nonperturbative results in gauge theories. Investigation of dense hadronic matter and theoretical support of the MPD/NICA program .
Theoretical support of a wide range of current and future experiments at JINR, IHEP, CERN, GSI, JLab and other physics centers.
Expected main results in the current year:
- Angular analysis of rare three-body B-meson's decays aimed for studying of the discovery potential for certain New Physics scenarios at modern and future B-factories.
The calculation and the analysis of the structure of the high-order contributions to the RG quantities in SM extensions with additional scalars.
Completion of the calculation of virtual corrections to the set of integrals over two-, three- and four-particle phase-space in massless QCD.
Evaluation of two-point two-loop Feynman diagrams containing Elliptic structure in the form of Elliptic Polylogarithms.
Evaluating a class of two-loop three-point functions, having inverse binomial form for the inverse mass expansions, in the terms of Goncharov polylogariths.
Calculation of the three-loop corrections to the photon and fermion self-energy in the framework of the reduced Quantum Electrodynamics.
Study of the critic behavior of 3-dimensional QED in the first three orders of 1/Nf-expansion.
Investigation of the Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformation in the case of the reduced Quantum Electrodynamics.
Exploration of the semi-analytic approach for the transverse momentum dependent parton densities. - Completion of the analysis of the phenomenological impact of radiative corrections to QCD Sum Rules for distribution amplitudes of (pseudo)scalar and (longitudinal and transverse) vector mesons and the corrections to the pion transition form factor at N 2LO.
Study of the additional contributions of the oscillation terms of the scattering amplitude at different energies in the elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton scattering.
Lattice Investigations of hadron structure, more specifically spin content of nucleons and hyperons.
Calculation of the transition form factors related to the pion-nucleon collision with producing the photon and nucleon and the nucleon gravitational form factor C(t) within the Light-Cone Sum Rules approach including NLO(QCD)-term and all twist contributions.
Determination of the polarized parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions in hadrons incorporating transverse momentum of the quarks (Boer-Mulders, Sivers, Collins) with the use of the experimental data on the difference cross sections and asymmetries in SIDIS
Study of Z(N) symmetry and thermodynamic properties of meta-stable states at very high temperature relevant to Heavy-Ion Collision and Early Universe Cosmology.
Calculation of quark-gluon contributions to exclusive Drell-Yan process for different traetments of imaginary phases. - Development of tools for calculation of three-loop quark diagrams describing the W-exchange contri-bution to the nonleptonic two-body decays of the single- and doubly charmed baryons.
Calculation of branching ratios of the decays accessible experimentally and comparison of the tree level and W-exchange contributions.
Study of the exotic Y(4260) meson as a four-quark state having molecular structure and calculation of its strong decays.
Investigation of the properties of scalar, axial-vector and tensor mesons, dominant radiative transitions of excited charmonium states and calculation of their decay widths in the framework of quark models with analytical confinement.
Investigation of the properties of dense hadron matter, calculation of the mass spectrum, decay con-stants and analysis of the dynamics of exotic hadrons and heavy glueballs.
Analysis and theoretical studies of new experimental data (at CERN, GSI, BES-III) for heavy baryon decays.
Calculation of one and two loop diagrams of self-energy for a bound Dirac electron in the two-center problem in the Furry representation without expansion in terms of the strength of the binding energy .
Calculation of parameters of the hyperfine splitting of the spectral lines of the pure rotational transition in the molecular ion HD+ in order Z6. That will allow to improve atomic masses of deuteron and proton from comparison with experiment and to achieve a new level of relative precision of 10 -11 in testing quantum electrodynamics in the three-body sector, which is one order of magnitude better than from the previous results. - Study phase transitions in quark matter at zero temperature and nonzero isospin density.
Study of the phenomenon of string breaking in dense quark matter in QCD-like theories.
Investigation of Confinement/deconfinement phase transition is gluon plasma. In particular, study of nonzero angular velocity influence on the confinement/deconfinement critical temperature, properties of the system above deconfinement.
Investigation of transport properties of quark-gluon plasma at nonzero density by means of QCD lattice simulations at imaginary chemical potential and analytically continuation of calculated transport coefficients to real chemical potential.
Study of statistical and thermodynamical properties of dense hadronic matter within the domain model of QCD vacuum, in various regimes of hadronic, mixed and quark-gluon phases.
Fluctuations of particle number, charge and charged-to-neutral particle ratio in a pion-enriched gas will be studied in grand canonical and canonical ensembles including finite-size effects and particle interactions. The results will be applied to the description of the nuclear systems produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies.
Application of non-extensive statistics to description of relativistic heavy ion collisions.
The PHSD model will be extended to include mean-field potentials acting on fermions and bosons. This will allow for a quantitive comparison of various relativistic mean-field models in application to heavy-ion collisions.
Particle flow pattern (directed flow) and vorticity of a medium produced in nucleus collisions at NICA energies will be investigated within the three-fluid hydrodynamics approach. The problems of initial thermalization and light fragment production at NICA energies will be considered.
Development of a unified quark-hadron equation of state fulfilling constraints from Lattice QCD thermodynamics and compact star astrophysics. Extraction of properties of the low-temperature, high-density equation of state from phenomenology of compact stars, their mergers and supernova explosions; implications for the existence of a critical endpoint in the QCD phase diagram. - Systematic study of the low-energy meson dynamics in tau lepton decays within effective models of strong interactions.
Elaboration of contributions to the physical programs of future collider experiments including the Super Charm-Tau Factory and the FCCee projects.
Development of new techniques for evaluation of polarized and unpolarized nucleon structure and fragmentation functions and applications to the experimental data analysis.
Application of effective low-energy QCD models to describe the equation of state of hadronic matter in compact stars.
A theoretical analysis of the forthcoming experimental data on the muon anomalous magnetic moment.
Further development of the Monte-Carlo neutrino generator GENIE, release 3: incorporation of a superscaling model SuSAM* for neutrino-nucleus interactions at intermediate energies and of an extended model for resonance pion neutrinoproduction on nucleons and nuclei; detailed statistical analysis of the modern accelerator data on neutrino-nucleus interactions;for tuning the generator;writing the user manual.
Development of the theory of neutrino propagation through an inhomogeneous matter which includes the mixing with sterile neutrinos and takes into account neutrino absorption and refraction. Development of a C++ code for analysis of data from the Baikal megaton neutrino telescope GVD.
Further work within the international collaboration NOvA. Analysis of the data from near neutrino detector using the so-called "JINR model" for neutrino-nucleus interactions. Incorporation of the newest releases of the GENIE package into the NOvA software.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Quantum field theory and physics beyond the Standard Model |
D.I. Kazakov A.V. Gladyshev A.V. Bednyakov |
A.N. Baushev, A.T. Borlakov, Ch.R. Das, V. Gnatich, A.V. Kotikov, G.A. Kozlov, L. Mizhishin, V.A. Naumov, A.V. Nesterenko, A.I. Onishenko, A.F. Pikelner, R. Remetsky, D.M. Tolkachev, S.I. Vinitsky, A.A. Vladimirov, R.M. Yakhibbaev, 5 students |
V.P. Gerdt, O.V. Tarasov |
V.A. Bednyakov, Yu.A. Budagov, E.V. Hramov, L.V. Kalinovskaya, L.G. Tkachev, E.V. Yakushev |
2. | QCD parton distributions for modern and future colliders |
I.V. Anikin O.V. Teryaev |
V.V. Byt'yev, M. Deka, A.V. Efremov, S.V. Goloskokov, D.B. Kotlorz, Y.A. Klopot, S.V. Mikhailov, A.A. Pivovarov, G.Yu. Prokhorov, A.G. Oganesyan, O.V. Selyugin, A.J.Silenko, N.I. Volchanskiy, 6 students |
Yu.I. Ivanshin, A.P. Nagaitsev, I.A. Savin, R. Tsenov |
A.V. Guskov |
3. | Strong interactions phenomenology and precision physics |
M.A. Ivanov V.I. Korobov A.E. Dorokhov |
A.B, Arbuzov, D. Alvarez, A.K. Bekbaev, Yu.M. Bystritsky, S.M. Eliseev, C. Ganbold, S.B. Gerasimov, A.N. Isadykov, L. Martynovich, K. Nurlan, H.-P. Pavel, A.A. Osipov, A.V. Sidorov, Yu.S. Surovtsev, Zh. Tyulemisov, M.K. Volkov, S.A. Zhaugasheva, 5 students |
4. | Theory of Hadronic Matter under extreme conditions |
D. Blaschke V.V. Braguta E.E. Kolomeitsev S.N. Nedelko |
D.E. Alvarez-Castillo, N.Yu. Astrakhantsev, T. Bhattacharyya, M. Deka, S. Dorkin, A.E. Dorokhov, A.V. Friesen, A.A. Golubtsova, M. Hnatic, M. Hasegawa, Yu.B. Ivanov, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, L. Kaptari, A.S. Khvorostukhin, A.Yu. Kotov, K. Maslov, V, , Melezhik, A.V. Nikolsky, S. Pandiat, A. Parvan, A.M. Snigirev, V.D. Tainov, O.V. Teryaev, V.D. Toneev, V.E. Voronin, D. Voskresensky, G.M. Zinoviev, 4 students |
A.S. Ayriyan, H. Grigorian, Yu.L. Kalinovsky, E.G. Nikonov |
O.V. Rogachevsky, V. Voronyuk |
5. | Theory of electroweak interactions and neutrino physics |
A.B. Arbuzov V.A. Naumov F. Simkovic |
A. Babic, A.V. Bednyakov, Yu.M. Bystritskiy, V.V. Byt'yev, A.E. Dorokhov, M.I. Krivoruchenko, K.S. Kuzmin, A.F. Pikel'ner, D.S. Shkirmanov, G. Seylkhanova, I.A. Sokal'skiy, 1 student |
I.D. Kakorin, V.A. Zykunov |
Ye.V. Dydyshko, L.V. Kalinovskaya, D.V. Naumov, O.N. Petrova, R.R. Sadykov, A.A. Sapronov, O.Yu. Smirnov, V.I. Tretyak, 2 students |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Armenia | Yerevan | Foundation ANSL | |
RAU | |||
Azerbaijan | Baku | IP ANAS | |
Belarus | Minsk | BSU | |
INP BSU | |||
IP NASB | |||
JIPNR-Sosny NASB | |||
Gomel | GSTU | ||
GSU | |||
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS | |
SU | |||
Canada | Corner Brook | MUN | |
Montreal | UdeM | ||
CERN | Geneva | CERN | |
Chile | Valparaiso | UV | |
China | Beijing | PKU | |
Lanzhou | IMP CAS | ||
Wuhan | WIPM CAS | ||
Czech Republic | Prague | CTU | |
CU | |||
IP CAS | |||
Rez | NPI CAS | ||
Finland | Helsinki | UH | |
France | Lyon | UCBL | |
Metz | UPV-M | ||
Montpellier | UM2 | ||
Paris | UPMC | ||
Saclay | IRFU | ||
Georgia | Tbilisi | RMI TSU | |
TSU | |||
Germany | Berlin | FU Berlin | |
HU Berlin | |||
Aachen | RWTH | ||
Bielefeld | Univ. | ||
Bochum | RUB | ||
Bonn | UniBonn | ||
Dortmund | TU Dortmund | ||
Erlangen | FAU | ||
Hamburg | DESY | ||
Univ. | |||
Heidelberg | Univ. | ||
Jena | Univ. | ||
Julich | FZJ | ||
Kaiserslautern | TU | ||
Karlsruhe | KIT | ||
Mainz | HIM | ||
JGU | |||
Munich | LMU | ||
Regensburg | UR | ||
Rostock | Univ. | ||
Tubingen | Univ. | ||
Wuppertal | UW | ||
Zeuthen | DESY | ||
Hungary | Budapest | ELTE | |
Wigner RCP | |||
ICTP | Trieste | ICTP | |
Italy | Naples | INFN | |
Padua | UniPd | ||
Pavia | INFN | ||
Pisa | INFN | ||
Trieste | SISSA/ISAS | ||
Turin | UniTo | ||
Japan | Tokyo | Meiji Univ. | |
Tokyo Tech | |||
UT | |||
Kyoto | Kyoto Univ. | ||
Nagoya | Nagoya Univ. | ||
Tsukuba | KEK | ||
Kazakhstan | Nur-Sultan | BA INP | |
Almaty | FAPHI | ||
INP | |||
Mexico | Cuernavaca | UNAM | |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | IPT MAS | |
New Zealand | Hamilton | Univ. | |
Norway | Trondheim | NTNU | |
Poland | Krakow | NINP PAS | |
Kielce | JKU | ||
Lodz | UL | ||
Otwock (Swierk) | NCBJ | ||
Wroclaw | ITP UW | ||
Portugal | Coimbra | UC | |
Republic of Korea | Seoul | SNU | |
Daegu | KNU | ||
Cheongju | CBNU | ||
Russia | Moscow | IBRAE | |
IMM RAS | |||
ITEP | |||
LPI RAS | |||
MSU | |||
MI RAS | |||
PFUR | |||
SCC RAS | |||
SINP MSU | |||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | ||
Belgorod | BelSU | ||
Chernogolovka | LITP RAS | ||
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | ||
Irkutsk | ISDCT SB RAS | ||
Ivanovo | ISя RAS | ||
ISU | |||
Kazan | KFU | ||
Novosibirsk | BINP SB RAS | ||
IM SB RAS | |||
Omsk | OmSU | ||
Perm | PSNRU | ||
Protvino | IHEP | ||
Rostov-on-Don | SFedU | ||
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | ||
SPbSPU | |||
Samara | SSU | ||
SU | |||
Saratov | SSU | ||
Sarov | VNIIEF | ||
Tomsk | IHCE SB RAS | ||
TSU | |||
Tver | TvSU | ||
Yoshkar-Ola | VSUT | ||
Serbia | Belgrade | Univ. | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU | |
IP SAS | |||
Kosice | IEP SAS | ||
Spain | Santiago de Compostela | USC | |
Valencia | UV | ||
Sweden | Lund | LU | |
Switzerland | Bern | Uni Bern | |
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU | |
Dnipro | DNU | ||
Kharkov | NSC KIPT | ||
Lutsk | EENU | ||
Lviv | IAPMM NASU | ||
IFNU | |||
Sumy | SumSU | ||
United Kingdom | London | Imperial College | |
QMUL | |||
Canterbury | Univ. | ||
USA | New York, NY | CUNY | |
RU | |||
College Park, MD | UMD | ||
Lemont, IL | ANL | ||
Minneapolis, MN | U of M | ||
Norman, OK | OU | ||
Newport News, VA | JLab | ||
Philadelphia, PA | Penn | ||
University Park, PA | Penn State | ||
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | IAP NUU | |
NUU | |||
Vietnam | Hanoi | IOP VAST |