and Properties of the Neutron
Leader: |
E.V. Lychagin |
Deputies: | Yu.N. Kopatch P.V. Sedyshev |
Participating countries and international organizations:
Albania, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Bulgaria, CERN, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, IAEA, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Experimental and theoretical investigations of symmetry breaking effects in reactions with neutrons and fundamental properties of the neutron to test the parameters of the Standard Model and search for "new physics". Investigation of the properties of excited nuclei, reactions with emission of charged particles, fission physics. Obtaining of relevant data for astrophysics, nuclear power engineering and nuclear waste transmutation problem using neutron- and gamma-induced reactions. Application of neutron physics methods in other fields of science and technology. Development and construction of detectors of neutrons and other ionizing radiation, as well as applied methods in nuclear physics with neutrons. Development of the Intense REsonance Neutron Source (IREN) and the experimental base at the IREN and IBR-2 facilities.
Expected results in the current year:
in neutron-nucleus interactions and related data
- Measurement of energy spectra and forward-backward emission asymmetry of gamma-rays in resonances.
- Measurement of yields of rare fission modes of 252Cf .
- Measurement of gamma-ray yields in reactions with 14 MeV neutrons.
- Measurements of prompt fission neutrons (PFN) for 235U in the resonance region.
- Measurement of the cross section for 171Yb(n,α)168Er and (n,α) reaction cross sections on gas samples (N, O, F, Ne, Ar) at En 3-5 MeV.
- Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of the 14N(n,p)14C reaction at En=100-700 keV on EG-5 and of the 35Cl(n,p)35S reaction at En=0.1-1.0 keV on IREN.
Investigation of fundamental properties of the neutron, UCN physics:
- Studying the possibility of creating a radiation-resistant UCN guide with both losses and fraction of non-specular reflections ~ 10-3 per collision.
- Simulation of the propagation of very cold neutrons (VCN) in various diamond nanopowders to optimize their parameters and increase the efficiency of VCN extraction from the source.
- Investigation of the effect of the density of diamond nanopowders on the properties of slow neutron reflectors developed on their basis.
- Investigation of the possibility of increasing the intensity of the UCN source based on the idea of temporary focusing using alternating magnetic fields and (or) resonant spin-flippers in a strong magnetic field.
- Design of a neutron-moderator-device for a UCN source based on a pulsed reactor.
- Theoretical study of neutron scattering on nuclei moving with acceleration.
Creation of an experimental setup for measuring the R-effect in fission by polarized neutrons at the IBR-2 reactor.
Development of a method for determining the carbon concentration in soil using the tagged neutron method.
Investigation of optical and electronic properties of semiconductor materials using X-rays at the EG-5 accelerator.
Modernization of the EG-5 accelerator and its infrastructure.
Analysis of archaeological, biological and ecological samples by nuclear-physics methods at the IREN, REGATA2 facilities and using the laboratory equipment.
Completion of the modernization of the REGATA facility and its pneumatic conveying system at the IBR-2 reactor.
- Creation of a charged particle spectrometer on the 1st channel of IREN.
- Providing the neutron beam time from IREN for physics experiments.
List of projects:
Project | Leader | Priority (period of realisation) |
1. |
Yu.N. Kopatch |
1 (2014-2023) |
2. |
Modernization of the EG-5 accelerator |
A.S. Doroshkevich |
1 (2022-2023) |
3. | ЕNGRIN | Sh.S. Zeynalov Deputy: L.V. Mitsyna |
1 (2022-2023) |
List of Activities | |||||
Activity or Experiment | Leaders | ||||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR Responsible person |
Main researchers | ||||
1. | Investigations of violations of fundamental symmetries in neutron-nucleus interactions and related data |
Yu.N. Kopatch |
Ahmedov G.S., Asylova A., Berikov D., Borzakov S.B., Carjan N., Danilyan G.V., Hramco C., Gledenov Yu.M., Grozdanov D.N., Zeinalov Sh.S., Kuznetsov V.L., Madadzada A., Mazhen S., Mezentseva Zh.V., Oprea I.A., Oprea K.D., Pokotilovski Yu.N., Rebrova N.V., Sedyshev P.V., Sedysheva M.V., Sidorova O.V., Simbirtseva N.V., Skoj V.R., Telezhnikov S.A., Tretyakova T.Yu., Fan Lyong Tuan, Chuprakov I., Enkhbold S., Vu D.C., Yergashov A., |
2. | Investigation of fundamental properties of the neutron, UCN physics |
E.V. Lychagin |
Goryunov S.V., Enik T.L., Zakharov M.A., Kuznetsov V.L., Kulin G.V., Mitsyna L.V., Mironov S.N., Muzychka A.Yu, Nezvanov A.Yu., Pokotilovski Yu.N., Rebrova N.V., Strelkov V.A., Teymurov E.S., Frank A.I., Furman W.I., Sharapov E.I., |
3. | Applied research | P.V. Sedyshev |
Aleksiayenak Yu.V., Ahmedov G.S., Asylova A., Berikov D., Borzakov S. B., CHepurchenko O.E., Chaligava O., Chuprakov I., Doroshkevich A.S., Dmitriev A.Yu., Enik T.L., Ergashov A., Fan Lyong Tuan, Fedorov N.A., Filippova O.C., Frank A.I., Frontasyeva M.V., Furman W.I., Ged V.М.B., Gledenov Yu.M., Grozdov D.S., Grozdanov D.N., Hramco C., Hristozova G.Ya., Jakhu R., Kirillov A.K., Kopatch Yu.N., Kuznetsov V.L., Kulin G.V., Le T.M.N, Lychagin E.V., Madadzada A.I., Malinin A.G., Mazhen S., Mezentseva Zh.V., Mitsyna L.V., Muzychka A.Yu, Nguen T.B., Nezvanov A.Yu., Niedobova B., Nekhoroshkov P.S., Oprea I.A., Oprea K.D., Pavlikova I., Pavlov S.S., Pokotilovski Yu.N., Rebrova N.V., Sharapov E.I., Sedysheva M., Sidorova O.V., Simbirtseva N.V., Skoy V.R., Strelkov V.A., Shvetsov V.N., Shvetsova M.C., Taskaev S.Yu., Telezhnikov S.A., Turdiev S., Vergel K.N., Zeinalov S., Zinicovscaia I.I., Zhernenkov K.N., 33 engineers, 19 workers. |
4. | Development of the IREN facility | V.N. Shvetsov |
E.A. Golubkov, Kayukov A.S., V.G. Pjataev, Udovichenko K.V., |
A.P. Sumbaev, 3 engineers |
5. | Development of experimental infrastructure of the IREN facility |
E.V. Lychagin |
Beliakov A.A., Denisenko D.Yu., Lychagin E.V., Pyataev V.G., Sedyshev P.V., 15 engineers. |
6. | Modernization of EG-5 accelerator | A.S. Doroshkevich |
FLNP | Chepurchenko I.A., Issaev R.SH., Kopach Yu.N., Likhachev A.N., Semenov V.N., Studnev K.E., Tkachenko S.N., Udovichenko K.N., Zaitsev I.A., Zakharova A.S., Zeleniak T.Yu. | ||||
7. | Project ENGRIN | Sh.S. Zeynalov |
FLNP | A.M. Lebedev, L.V. Mitsyna, O.V. Sidorova | ||||
8. | Project TANGRA | Yu.N. Kopatch |
Skoy V.R., Shvetsov V.N., Tretiakova T.Yu., Aliev F., Grozdanov D., Fedorov N.A., Hramco C. |
Aleksakhin V.Yu., Zamiatin N.I., Zubarev E.V., Sapozhnikov M.G., Rogov Yu.N., Slepnev V.M., Khabarov S.V. |
A.V. Krasnoperov, A.B. Sadovskii, A.V. Salamatin |
G.N. Timoshenko |
Country or International Organization | City | Institute or Laboratory |
Albania | Tirana | UT |
Armenia | Yerevan | SRCHCH |
Australia | Melbourne, VIC | Univ. |
Austria | Innsbruck | Univ. |
Azerbaijan | Baku | BSU |
Belarus | Minsk | BSU |
INP BSU | ||
Botswana | Palapye | BIUST |
Bulgaria | Plovdiv | PU |
UFT | ||
Sofia | IE BAS | |
CERN | Geneva | CERN |
China | Beijing | IHEP CAS |
Xi'an | NINT | |
Croatia | Zagreb | Oikon IAE |
RBI | ||
Czech Republic | Ostrava | VSB-TUO |
Prague | CEI | |
CTU | ||
Rez | CVR | |
Egypt | Alexandria | Univ. |
Cairo | NRC | |
Giza | CU | |
Mansoura | MU | |
Shibin El Kom | MU | |
Finland | Jyvaskyla | UJ |
Oulu | UO | |
France | Cadarache | CC CEA |
Grenoble | ILL | |
LPSC | ||
Saclay | LLB | |
Strasbourg | IPHC | |
Georgia | Tbilisi | AIP TSU |
TSU | ||
Germany | Darmstadt | GSI |
Dresden | HZDR | |
Kleve | HSRW | |
Mainz | JGU | |
Munich | TUM | |
Tubingen | Univ. | |
Hungary | Budapest | RKK OU |
IAEA | Vienna | IAEA |
India | Varanasi | BHU |
Italy | Rome | ENEA |
Japan | Kyoto | KSU |
Tsukuba | KEK | |
Kazakhstan | Almaty | INP |
Kyzylorda | KazSRIRG | |
Nur-Sultan | ENU | |
Moldova | Chisinau | IChem |
IMB ASM | ||
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | CGL |
NRC NUM | ||
North Macedonia | Skopje | UKiM |
Poland | Gdansk | GUT |
Krakow | INP PAS | |
Lodz | UL | |
Lublin | UMCS | |
Opole | UO | |
Otwock (Swierk) | NCBJ | |
Poznan | AMU | |
Wroclaw | UW | |
Republic of Korea | Daejeon | KAERI |
Pohang | PAL | |
Seoul | Dawonsys | |
Romania | Baia Mare | TUCN-NUCBM |
Bucharest | IFIN-HH | |
IGR | ||
UB | ||
UPB | ||
Cluj-Napoca | INCDTIM | |
Constanta | UOC | |
Galati | UG | |
Iasi | NIRDTP | |
UAIC | ||
Magurele | ISS | |
NIMP | ||
Oradea | UO | |
Pitesti | ICN | |
Ramnicu Valcea | I.C.S.I. | |
Sibiu | ULBS | |
Targoviste | UVT | |
Timisoara | UVT | |
Russia | Arkhangelsk | NArFU |
Berdyansk | BSPU | |
Borok | IBIW RAS | |
Dolgoprudny | MIPT | |
Dubna | Diamant | |
Dubna State Univ. | ||
Donetsk | DonIPE | |
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | |
Grozny | CSPU | |
Irkutsk | LI SB RAS | |
Ivanovo | ISUCT | |
Izhevsk | UdSU | |
Moscow | GIN RAS | |
GPI RAS | ||
IA RAS | ||
IKI RAS | ||
ITEP | ||
MSU | ||
NRC KI | ||
SC "IASRWA" | ||
Sechenov Univ. | ||
SIAS | ||
VNIIA | ||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | |
Nizhny Novgorod | IPM RAS | |
Obninsk | IPPE | |
Perm | PSNRU | |
Sevastopol | IBSS | |
St. Petersburg | Botanic garden BIN RAS | |
FIP | ||
Ioffe Institute | ||
KRI | ||
SPMU | ||
Tula | TSU | |
Vladikavkaz | NOSU | |
Voronezh | VSU | |
Yekaterinburg | UrFU | |
Serbia | Belgrade | IPB |
Univ. | ||
Novi Sad | UNS | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU |
IEE SAS | ||
IP SAS | ||
Slovenia | Ljubljana | GeoSS |
South Africa | Bellville | UWC |
Pretoria | UNISA | |
Stellenbosch | SU | |
Switzerland | Villigen | PSI |
Thailand | Hat Yai | PSU |
Turkey | Canakkale | COMU |
Ukraine | Kharkov | ISMA NASU |
Kiev | KINR NASU | |
NUK | ||
Uzhhorod | IEP NASU | |
USA | Durham, NC | Duke |
Los Alamos, NM | LANL | |
Oak Ridge, TN | ORNL | |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | INP AS RUz |
Vietnam | Hanoi | IOP VAST |