Leaders: | N.V. Antonenko S.N. Ershov A.A. Dzhioev |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Uzbekistan.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Suggestion of new theoretical approaches for description and prediction of properties of superheavy, unstable nuclei and exotic nuclear systems, calculation of their characteristics; improvement of models for explanation of mechanisms of reactions of nuclei with particles and nuclei at low and intermediate energies; establishment of universal laws in low-dimensional small-particle systems and small-particle systems at ultra-low energies; development of the two-stage hybrid model of nuclear collisions at relativistic energies; study of nonlinear quantum processes in the interaction of photons with ultrashort high-frequency laser pulses.
Expected main results in the current year:
Calculations of β-decay and electron capture half-lives for superheavy deformed nuclei.Development of the formalism of the coupling with complex configurations within self-consistent nuclear models.Investigation of Coriolis mixing in dipole states of light deformed nuclei.Study of the beta-delayed gamma-spectroscopy of thecadmium isotope 126Cd.Study of the properties of isoscalar giant monopole resonance with using elements of random matrix theory.Estimation of the influence of pair correlation strength on the formation of nuclear scissors states within the framework of the Wigner function moments method.Study of the spin-flip resonance and 2+ collective excitations by the Wigner function moments method.Analysis of isomeric states in heavy nuclei and their influence on the α-decay spectrum.
Calculation and analysis of cross sections of the formation of superheavy nuclei in different evaporation channels.Comparative analysis of cross sections of the formation of nuclei with Z=119 and 120 in reactions with the use of 50Ti and 54Cr beams.Study of the mass and energy distributions of transactinide fission fragments.Analysis of the cross section of fusion reactions of interest in astrophysics.Study of qubits in external fields.Calculation of spontaneous fission inhibiting factors for odd nuclei in the cluster approach.Analysis of the contribution of various n-particle n-hole configurations in the formation of the spreading width of giant nuclear resonances.Description of the decay widths ofgiant monopole and quadrupole resonances inheavy nuclei within random matrix theory. Study of the evolution of mirror-asymmetric deformation in isotopic chains of actinides and rare-earth nuclei.
Investigation of the early stage tunneling dynamics of ultracold two-atom systems.Investigation of a highly excited state of the 1p shell nuclei.Сalculationof bound states and scattering processes in two- and three-atom systems formed of the rare gas atoms.Analysis of the three-body energy spectra of two-component systems with zero-range interactions in one and two dimensions.Study of the spectra of low-lying states for a chain of zirconium isotopes within the geometric collective model.Development of computational schemes based on two-dimensional discrete-variable representations in application to few-body quantum systems.Proof of bounds for the maximal possible speed of subspace time evolution generated by unbounded Hamiltonians.Justification of the use of single and double Compton ionization of atoms as a new method for dynamical spectroscopy of the electron momentum distribution.Analysis of the quasi-two-dimensional motion of two interacting hydrogen atoms on a liquid helium film.Study of the analytic structure of the multi-channel R-matrix.Study of dynamics of a hydrogen atom in a strong elliptically polarized laser field within the time-dependent numerical approach.Study of total reflection induced by the super-interference phenomenonAnalysis of the effect of deformation on the breakup of the 11Be halo nucleus within the time-dependent approach.Correct formulation of the entangled exit channels in the model of incoming wave boundary conditions in sub-barrier heavy-ion fusion reactions.
Theoretical analysis of the proton- and nucleus-nucleus scattering cross-sections over some target-nuclei in the energy range from 30 MeV to 1 GeV/nucleon basing on the development of the respective microscopic model of optical potential.Study of essentially multiphoton quantum processes expected in reactions induced by intense short and ultrashort laser pulses with arbitrary polarization.Application of non-extensive statistical methods to describe the particle production andtransverse momentum distributions of hadrons in heavy ion-proton and proton-proton collisions.Study of proton-deuteron elastic scattering in the framework of the relativistic Bethe-Salpeter-Faddeev formalism with a separable kernel. Investigation of the polarization characteristics in this reaction.Investigation of the properties ofbaryon and pseudo-scalar mesons at finite temperature and density in the framework of three-flavour Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model.Investigation of the cross sections of Y absorption and Y production in BB-collision in the framework of the covariant quark model with SU(5) Lagrangian including anomalous interactions.Analysisof the Bethe-Salpeter solutions in coordinate space, establishment of some patterns and investigation of abnormal solutions.Study of the short-range deuteron structure and of the color transparency effect in proton-deuteron interactions at relativistic energies within the generalized eikonal approximation.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Microscopic models for exotic nuclei and nuclear astrophysics |
V.V. Voronov A.A. Dzhioev J. Kvasil |
N.N. Arsenyev, E.B. Balbutsev, H. Ganev, V.A. Kuz'min, L.A. Malov, I.V. Molodtsova, V.O. Nesterenko, A.P. Severyukhin, V.M. Shilov, S.V. Sidorov, A.V. Sushkov, A.I. Vdovin, 3 students |
N.Yu. Shirikova |
A.M. Sukhovoi |
2. | Low-energy nuclear dynamics and properties of nuclear systems |
S.N. Ershov N.V. Antonenko R.V. Jolos |
G.G. Adamian, A.V. Andreev, A.N. Bezbakh, Sh. Kalandarov, V.G. Kartavenko, R.G. Nazmitdinov, A.K. Nasirov, H. Pasca, A. Rahmatinedzhad, I.S. Rogov, T.M. Shneidman, B. Urazbekov, 3 students |
L.V. Grigorenko, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, A.I. Svirikhin | |
DLNP | A.S. Zhemchugov |
3. | Quantum few-body systems | A.K. Motovilov A.S. Melezhik |
I. Ishmukhamedov, D. Janseitov, E.A. Kolganova, V.N. Kondratyev, E.A. Koval, A.V. Malykh, E.V. Mardyban, Yu.V. Popov, V.V. Pupishev, S.A. Rakityanskiy, S.A. Shadmehri, E.A. Solov'ev, D. Valiolda, S.I. Vinitsky, 3 students |
O.I. Kartavtsev |
O. Chulunbaatar, A.A. Gusev |
4. | Relativistic nuclear dynamics and nonlinear quantum processes |
V.V. Burov M. Gaidarov S.G.Bondarenko |
M.Baznat, S.M.Dorkin, A.V. Frisen, L.P. Kaptari, A.B. Larionov, V.K. Lukyanov, A.S. Parvan, A.I. Titov, V.D. Toneev, S.A. Yur'ev, 1 student |
Yu.L. Kalinovskiy, K.V. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya |
V.P. Ladygin, N.B. Ladygina, A.I. Malakhov, N.M. Piskunov, Yu.A. Panebratsev, E.P. Rogochaya |
Country or International Organization | City | Institute or laboratory |
Armenia | Yerevan | RAU |
YSU | ||
Austria | Innsbruck | Univ. |
Belarus | Minsk | IP NASB |
Belgium | Brussels | ULB |
VUB | ||
Louvain-la-Neuve | UCL | |
Brazil | Florianopolis, SC | UFSC |
Niteroi, RJ | UFF | |
Sao Jose dos Campos, SP | ITA | |
Sao Paulo, SP | UEP | |
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS |
NBU | ||
Canada | Hamilton, ON | McMaster |
Saskatoon | U of S | |
Waterloo | WLU | |
China | Beijing | CIAE |
ITP CAS | ||
PKU | ||
Czech Republic | Prague | CU |
Egypt | Giza | CU |
France | Bordeaux | UB |
Caen | GANIL | |
Orsay | CSNSM | |
IJCLab | ||
Germany | Berlin | HZB |
Bielefeld | Univ. | |
Bonn | UniBonn | |
Cologne | Univ. | |
Darmstadt | GSI | |
TU Darmstadt | ||
Dresden | HZDR | |
Erlangen | FAU | |
Frankfurt/Main | Univ. | |
Giessen | JLU | |
Hamburg | Univ. | |
Leipzig | UoC | |
Mainz | JGU | |
Regensburg | UR | |
Rostock | Univ. | |
Siegen | Univ. | |
Greece | Athens | INP NCSR "Demokritos" |
Hungary | Budapest | Wigner RCP |
Debrecen | Atomki | |
India | Chandigarh | PU |
Kasaragod | CUK | |
New Delhi | IUAC | |
Iran | Zanjan | IASBS |
Italy | Bologna | BRC ENEA |
Catania | INFN LNS | |
Messina | UniMe | |
Naples | INFN | |
Perugia | INFN | |
Turin | UniTo | |
Japan | Kobe | Kobe Univ. |
Morioka | Iwate Univ. | |
Osaka | Osaka Univ. | |
RCNP | ||
Kazakhstan | Almaty | INP |
KazNU | ||
Lithuania | Kaunas | VMU |
Mexico | Mexico City | UNAM |
Moldova | Chisinau | IAP |
Norway | Bergen | UiB |
Oslo | UiO | |
Poland | Krakow | INP PAS |
Lublin | UMCS | |
Otwock (Swierk) | NCBJ | |
Warsaw | UW | |
Republic of Korea | Daegu | KNU |
Daejeon | IBS | |
Jeonju | JBNU | |
Seoul | SNU | |
Romania | Bucharest | IFIN-HH |
UB | ||
Russia | Dolgoprudny | MIPT |
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | |
Khabarovsk | PNU | |
Moscow | MSU | |
NNRU "MEPhI" | ||
NRC KI | ||
PFUR | ||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | |
Omsk | OmSU | |
Saratov | SSU | |
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | |
Vladivostok | FEFU | |
Serbia | Belgrade | IPB |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU |
IP SAS | ||
South Africa | Johannesburg | WITS |
Pretoria | UP | |
Somerset West | iThemba LABS | |
Stellenbosch | SU | |
Spain | Palma | UiB |
Sweden | Goteborg | Chalmers |
Lund | LU | |
Taiwan | Taipei | NTU |
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU |
NUK | ||
United Kingdom | Guildford | Univ. |
USA | Lemont, IL | ANL |
Los Alamos, NM | LANL | |
Notre Dame, IN | ND | |
Raleigh, NC | NCCU | |
University Park, PA | Penn State | |
Uzbekistan | Namangan | NamMTI |
Tashkent | Assoc. P.-S. PTI | |
IAP NUU | ||