Priority: 1
Status: Extended

Investigations of Compressed Baryonic Matter at the GSI Accelerator Complex


Leaders:     V.P. Ladygin
V.V. Ivanov
Deputy:     O.Yu. Derenovskaya

Participating countries and international organizations:
Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia.

Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Expertize of the design of the superconducting dipole magnet, design and development of straw detector prototype for the CBM experiment at the GSI accelerator complex. Study of the multiparticle dynamics in heavy ion collisions at SIS100 and SIS300. Development of algorithms and software for the trigger, simulation and data analysis. Participation in HADES experimental at SIS18 and SIS100.

Expected results in the current year:
  • Expertize and preparation of the drawings of individual parts of the superconducting dipole magnet for the CBM experiment.

  • Design and testing of the straw detector prototype.

  • Development of the algorithms and software for the trigger and data analysis.

  • Simulation of the multiparticle dynamics in heavy ion collisions.

  • Development of the mathenatical methods and fast computing algorithms for the data analysis and selection of the signal events.

  • Participation in experimental data taking using pion, proton and heavy ion beams with HADES at SIS18. Development of the algorithms for data analysis. Participation in experimental data analysis. Theoretical interpretation of the obtained data.
List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. CBM V.P. Ladygin
V.V. Ivanov
1   (2011-2020)
2. HADES V.P. Ladygin
O.V. Fateev
2   (2010-2021)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
      Laboratory or other
    Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. CBM Project
Expertize of the design
and manufacture of the
superconducting dipole magnet
and straw detector prototype.
Development of the algorithms
and software for trigger,
simulation and data analysis
V.P. Ladygin
V.V. Ivanov
  VBLHEP S.P. Avdeev, I.V. Boguslavsky, A.V. Bychkov, D.V. Dementiev, V.V. Elsha, O.V. Fateev, Yu.V. Gusakov, A.P. Ierusalimov, G.D. Kekelidze, N.B. Ladygina, V.M. Lysan, A.I. Malakhov, Yu.A. Murin, A.D. Sheremetiev, A.L. Voronin, A.P. Zinchenko, N.I. Zamyatin
  LIT P.G. Akishin, E.P. Akishina, E.I. Alexandrov, I.N. Alexandrov, D.V. Belyakov, O.Yu. Derenovskaya, I.A. Filozova, V.V. Ivanov, V.V. Ivanov (jr), A.V. Kryanev, S.A. Lebedev, A.M. Raportirenko, T.P. Sapozhnikova, P.V. Zrelov
  BLTP D. Blaschke, S.G. Bondarenko, V.V. Burov, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, V.D. Toneev
2. Experiment HADES V.P. Ladygin
O.V. Fateev
Data taking
Data analysis
  VBLHEP A.V. Belyaev, O.V. Fateev, A.P. Ierusalimov, S.G. Reznikov, A.Yu. Troyan, A.I. Zinchenko
  LIT V.V. Ivanov, S.A. Lebedev
  DLNP G.I. Lykasov

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Czech Republic Rez NPI CAS  
France Orsay IPN Orsay  
Germany Darmstadt GSI  
    TU Darmstadt  
  Dresden HZDR  
  Frankfurt/Main Univ.  
  Giessen JLU  
  Heidelberg Univ.  
  Munich TUM  
Poland Krakow SIP  
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH  
Russia Moscow ITEP  
    NNRU "MEPhI"  
    SINP MSU  
  Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS