of the JINR Human Resources Programme
Leaders: | V.A. Matveev S.Z. Pakuliak |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, CERN, Cuba, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Development and implementation of the human resources training programmes at JINR aimed at further employment of the trainees as scientific and engineering specialists of the Institute; creation of appropriate conditions for students and PhD students from universities of the Member States to enable them to work on their qualification theses based on the research conducted in the laboratories of the Institute; support of the educational process for students of the JINR-based departments at universities of the Russian Federation, as well as development of network training programmes; oraganisation and running of international student practices and schools for young people from the JINR Member States; training of students, PhD students, and interns on the basis of cooperation agreements with universities of the JINR Member States and international organisations; building and maintenance of laboratory environment intended for hands-on training in accelerator physics and nuclear physics; support and development of a system of training courses aimed at gaining or improving professional skills and qualifications of JINR technical and engineering personnel; development of the JINR outreach programme and promotion of modern science achievements among school students and teachers, organisation of excursions and online tours of the JINR basic facilities; further development of the JINR educational portal (edu.jinr.ru), development of a set of e-learning courses on the main areas of research conducted at JINR in the official languages of the Institute and by its leading experts; development of virtual and real laboratories allowing students to be trained using modern experimental equipment; participation in science festivals and exhibitions promoting JINR.
Expected major results in the current year:
- Support and supervision of the educational process at the JINR-based departments of Russian universities.
- Support of the system of assigning young researchers to JINR laboratories for preparation of their PhD theses without mastering the academic programmes of the PhD course.
- Organisation and running of the International Student Practices in JINR Fields of Research for students of JINR Member States' universities.
- Expansion of the scientific scope of research projects of the Summer Student Programme at JINR and increasing the number of participants in this programme.
- Development of the training facilities, including test-benches and sets of laboratory works, for the needs and tasks of the UC-based Scientific-Engineering Group.
- Organisation of JINR-based internship for participants in the International School of Engineering of Dubna State University.
- Organisation of scientific schools for physics teachers from the Institute Member States at CERN and JINR.
- Launch of virtual tours of JINR and video-conferences with educational institutions of the Member States.
- Development of a set of e-learning cources in nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, and JINR basic facilities.
- Promotion of modern educational resources in the JINR Member States.
- Organisation of JINR participation in the Science Festival "NAUKA 0+ 2020" on the basis of Russian universities.
- Development of the language courses programme aimed at teaching Russian, English, French, and German to JINR personnel.
- Participation of JINR in an interdisciplinary social educational project "Summer School 2020".
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Organization of the Educational Process at JINR |
V.A. Matveev S.Z. Pakuliak |
DLNP V.A. Bednyakov D.V. Naumov A.S. Zhemchugov |
A.Yu. Verkheev, A.G. Olshevskiy, V.V.Glagolev |
BLTP D.I. Kazakov A.P. Isaev A.B. Arbuzov |
A.V. Gladyshev, Yu.M. Shukrinov |
FLNP V.N. Shvetsov E.V. Lychagin O.A. Culikov |
D.P. Kozlenko, A.M. Balagurov, A.V. Belushkin |
VBLHEP N.A. Strokovsky, V.D. Kekelidze D.V. Peshekhonov |
V.A. Nikitin, S.S. Shimansky, N.I. Zimin |
FLNR S.N. Dmitriev A.V. Karpov A.G. Popeko |
S.I. Sidorchuk S.G. Belogurov |
LIT V.V. Korenkov T.A. Strizh D.V. Podgaynyi |
V.P. Gerdt, I.S. Pelevanyuk |
LRB E.A. Krasavin I.V. Koshlan |
G.N. Timoshenko |
Directorate B.Yu. Sharkov B.N. Gikal |
A.V. Dudarev, E.D. Uglov |
SOICO A.S. Sorin D.V. Kamanin A.A. Kotova |
W. Chmielowski |
2. | Developing of modern educational projects |
Y.A. Panebratsev |
G.N. Agakishiev, V.V. Belaga, N.I. Vorontsova, E.I. Golubeva, R.V. Klygina, M.P. Osmachko, Yu.D. Orlova, N.E. Sidorov, G.D. Semchukov, G.A. Yarygin |
3. | Outreach and JINR promotion |
S.Z. Pakuliak A.A. Suzhevich |
N.V. Anfimov, A.Yu. Verkheev, Ch.T. Kullenberg, M.V. Fomina, M.V. Shirchenko |
A.V. Frizen |
C. Khramko |
A.S. Bogomolova, D.K. Dryablov, D.I. Klimansky, Ch. Roslon |
K.B. Gikal, A.A. Voinov |
I.S. Pelevanyuk, Sh.G. Torosyan |
T.S. Bulanova, I.A. Kolesnikova, Yu.S. Severyukhin |
Universal JINR library |
O.V. Gaponova, M.S. Pilipenko |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Armenia | Yerevan | YSU | |
Azerbaijan | Baku | IP ANAS | |
Belarus | Minsk | INP BSU | |
ISEI BSU | |||
BSTU | |||
BSU | |||
ME RB | |||
Gomel | GSU | ||
Bulgaria | Sofia | INRNE BAS | |
NRA | |||
SU | |||
Blagoevgrad | SWU | ||
CERN | Geneva | CERN | |
Cuba | Havana | ASC | |
Czech Republic | Prague | CU | |
CTU | |||
Kazakhstan | Nur-Sultan | ENU | |
Almaty | KazNU | ||
Ust-Kamenogorsk | EKSU | ||
Moldova | Chisinau | ASM | |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | NUM | |
MNUE | |||
Poland | Lodz | UL | |
Poznan | AMU | ||
Romania | Bucharest | UB | |
Russia | Moscow | MPEI | |
NNRU "MEPhI" | |||
SINP MSU | |||
Arkhangelsk | NArFU | ||
NSMU | |||
Belgorod | BelSU | ||
Dolgoprudny | MIPT | ||
Dubna | BSINP MSU | ||
Dubna State Univ. | |||
Ivanovo | ISU | ||
Kazan | KFU | ||
Kostroma | KSU | ||
Krasnodar | KSU | ||
St. Petersburg | SPbSU | ||
Smolensk | SSU | ||
Tomsk | TPU | ||
Tula | TSU | ||
Tver | TvSU | ||
Voronezh | VSU | ||
Vladikavkaz | NOSU | ||
Yakutsk | NEFU | ||
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU | |
Kosice | UPJS | ||
STM | |||
South Africa | Faure | iThemba LABS | |
Stellenbosch | SU | ||
Ukraine | Kiev | BITP NASU | |
NUK | |||
USA | Upton, NY | BNL | |
Cuba | Havana | ASC | |
Serbia | Belgrade | INS "VINCA" | |
Novi Sad | UNS | ||
Sremska Kamenica | Educons Univ. | ||
Vietnam | Hanoi | IOP VAST | |
Da Lat | DLU | ||
Development of the Conceptual Design of a New Advanced Neutron Source at JINR
Leaders: | V.N. Shvetsov S.A. Kulikov |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Russia, Belarus, Romania, Argentina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Sweden, France, Uzbekistan, South Africa
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Development of the conceptual design of a new advanced neutron source at JINR.
Expected main results in the current year:
- Selection of a concept for the new source.
- Publication of a "white book".
- Simulation of the first three instruments for the new source.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Scientific rationale for the creation of the new source, the "white book" |
V.N. Shvetsov |
S.A.Kulikov |
2. | Development and justification of the choice of a conceptual design of a high-flux pulsed neutron source of periodic operation |
V.N. Shvetsov |
S.A. Kulikov |
I.T. Tretiakov |
3. | Preparatory work on the manufacturing of fuel loading/target for the new source |
V.N. Shvetsov S.A. Kulikov |
A.V. Vinogradov, A.V.Dolgikh |
Yu.A.Ivanov |
4. | Development of the concept of layout of neutron moderators, extracted neutron beams and instruments |
V.N. Shvetsov |
S.A. Kulikov |
5. | Development of technical specifications for the design of the new source with a suite of research instruments on extracted beams |
V.N. Shvetsov |
S.A. Kulikov, A.V. Vinogradov |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Argentina | Bariloche | CAB CNEA | |
Belarus | Minsk | BSTU | |
Czech Republic | Rez | NPI CAS | |
France | Grenoble | ILL | |
Germany | Berlin | HZB | |
Julich | FZJ | ||
Hungary | Budapest | Wigner RCP | |
Romania | Bucharest | INCDIE ICPE-CA | |
Russia | Moscow | OKSAT NIKIET | |
SC "VNIINM" | |||
NRC KI | |||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | ||
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | ||
South Africa | Pretoria | UP | |
Sweden | Lund | ESS ERIC | |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | INP AS RUz |
of Scientific Research and Cooperation in the Main Directions
of JINR's Development.
Organization of International Cooperation
Leader: | A.S. Sorin |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Member States of JINR, states participating in JINR activities on the basis of bilateral agreements, international organizations.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Development of analytical materials concerning prospects of scientific research. Preparation of scientific research plans. Development of science-organization and methodological materials for the special-purpose financing of research areas, themes and projects. Development and application of information systems for the analysis of results of theoretical and experimental research. Organization of international cooperation with the Member States of JINR, with states participating in JINR activities on the basis of bilateral agreements, and with scientific research institutions with which JINR has collaboration agreements.
Expected results in the current year:
- Improvement of the organization and coordination of JINR scientific research work.
- Analysis of the results of JINR activities for 2019 in the main research areas.
- Inplementation of the new electronic system for maintaining the Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation (Topical Plan). Preparation for the publication of the Topical Plan for the year 2021. Identification of JINR’s priority research directions for 2021.
- Development of JINR’s grantmaking activities and participation in special-purpose programmes for financing scientific research in 2020.
- Preparation of analytical materials for ministries and agencies.
- Development and promotion of JINR’s information resources on the Internet. Support of the system of accounting of protocols on scientific and technological cooperation.
- Promotion of realization of JINR’s right to independently confer academic degrees. Support of the operation of JINR’s dissertational councils.
- Preparation for the publication of the JINR Annual Report for 2019. Preparation of materials for the INIS system.
- Scientific and organizational support and preparation of materials of JINR’s governing and advisory bodies.
- Prompt interaction with representatives of Member States and states participating in the activities of JINR on the basis of bilateral agreements in the fields of scientific research. Organization and holding of meetings of cooperation committees. Interaction with international organizations.
- Organization and holding of contests for JINR Prizes, preparation of materials for nominating candidates for memberships in academies of sciences, for conferring honorary titles, for awarding medals and other decorations.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Preparation for the publication of the Topical Plan for 2021 |
A.S. Sorin O.V. Belov |
N.I. Sissakian, N.A. Boklagova, D.S. Korobov |
2. | Support and improvement of the operation of JINR’s governing and advisory bodies |
A.S. Sorin O.V. Belov D.V. Kamanin |
N.I. Sissakian, T.B. Ivashkevich, О.K. Kronshtadtov, D.S. Korobov |
A.A. Kotova, N.M. Dokalenko, E.N. Rusakovich, O.N. Belova, O.M. Korotchik |
M.N. Sidorchuk |
HS |
M.D. Kryukova |
V.F. Borisovsky |
3. | Preparation of analytical materials for ministries and agencies |
A.S. Sorin O.V. Belov D.V. Kamanin |
N.I. Sissakian, D.S. Korobov, T.B. Ivashkevich, N.A. Boklagova |
A.A. Kotova, A.E. Vasiliev |
E.V. Ivanova, V.V. Litsitis |
4. | Development of JINR’s grantmaking activities and participation in special-purpose programmes for financing scientific research |
A.S. Sorin O.V. Belov D.V. Kamanin |
N.I. Sissakian, N.A. Boklagova, D.S. Korobov |
5. | Support for the operation of JINR’s dissertation councils |
A.S. Sorin O.V. Belov |
N.I. Sissakian, T.B. Ivashkevich |
6. | Organizational support for JINR’s activities under Russian and international protocols and agreements |
A.S. Sorin D.V. Kamanin O.V. Belov |
N.I. Sissakian, L.I. Kalinina |
A.A. Kotova, T.V. Keselis |
7. | Provision for the operation and development of JINR’s Internet resources |
A.S. Sorin O.V. Belov D.V. Kamanin |
N.I. Sissakian, K.P. Moisenz, A.G. Nanev, N.A. Boklagova, O.K. Kronshtadtov, D.S. Korobov |
V.F. Borisovsky |
B.M. Starchenko |
Editorial office of the weekly newspaper "Dubna: science, community, progress" |
E.M. Molchanov |
8. | Preparation for the publication of JINR Annual Reports. Preparation of materials for the INIS system |
A.S. Sorin |
B.M. Starchenko, Yu.G. Shimanskaya, S.N. Kruglova |
9. | International cooperation | D.V. Kamanin W. Chmielowski |
A.A. Kotova, M.G. Loschilov, A.E. Vasiliev, O.N. Belova, T.V. Keselis, Yu.N. Polyakova |
at the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre
Leader: | N. Kucerka |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Belarus, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
The development of a new laboratory for structural research of new materials (catalysts, polymers, etc.), nanomaterials (nanoparticles, nanocomposites, etc.), materials under extreme conditions (superconductors, perovskites, etc.), and biomaterials (proteins, DNA, etc.) utilizing synchrotron X-rays.
Expected main results in the current year:
Belarus, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
The development of a new laboratory for structural research of new materials (catalysts, polymers, etc.), nanomaterials (nanoparticles, nanocomposites, etc.), materials under extreme conditions (superconductors, perovskites, etc.), and biomaterials (proteins, DNA, etc.) utilizing synchrotron X-rays.
Expected main results in the current year:
- Development of technical infrastructure for the SOLCRYS laboratory.
- Development and design of the insertion device (superconducting wiggler or other system), which will allow obtaining synchrotron radiation in the range of 5 to 22 keV, to be used by the end stations of the SOLCRYS beamline.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Elaboration and development of Technical Infrastructure within a scope necessary to install and properly operate the research equipment of the SOLCRYS laboratory. |
Kucerka N. |
2. | Design, purchase and installation of a superconducting wiggler as a radiation source in the X-ray range with an upper photon energy at least 20 keV. |
Kucerka N. |
3. | Design, purchase and installation of research lines of synchrotron radiation. |
Kuklin A.I. Lukin E.V. |
4. | Design, purchase and installation of measuring stations for diffraction studies and studies of scattering at small angles. |
Kuklin A.I. Lukin E.V. |
5. | Design and assembly of control systems as well as of data acquisition and storage systems. |
Kucerka N. Kuklin A.I. Lukin E.V. |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Poland | Krakow | SOLARIS | |
Poznan | AMU | ||
Russia | Novosibirsk | BINP SB RAS | |
Belarus | Minsk | BSU | |
Ukraine | Kiev | NUK | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | CU |
Mathematical Processing and Analysis of Experimental Data
Leaders: | Gh. Adam P.V. Zrelov |
Deputies: | J. Busa O. Chuluunbaatar |
Participating Countries and International organizations:
Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, China, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Tajikistan, USA, Vietnam.
Issues addressed and main goals of research:
Carrying out paramount advanced research in computational mathematics and physics, directed to the creation of new mathematical methods, algorithms, and software for the numerical or symbolic-numerical solution of topics arising in experimental and theoretical physics studies. This subject area includes a wide spectrum of investigations approved for completion in JINR within the seven year period 2017–2023 in high energy physics, nuclear physics, physics of condensed matter and of nanostructures, biophysics, information technologies, the solution of which is inseparable from the use of computing. Such subject matters of the outmost importance in JINR are the NICA project, the neutrino program, the superheavy and exotic nuclei physics, the neutron based investigations. The needed numerical or symbolic-numerical computing will be done on the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC), primarily the HybriLIT heterogeneous computing platform which involves the training and test cluster HybriLIT and the "Govorun" supercomputer and the emerging Big Data distributed infrastructure. The research teams include both experienced scientists with outstanding scientific achievements and enthusiastic young scientists and engineers. The requested financing will cover salaries, participations in scientific conferences, scientific visits and the acquisition of a minimal number of personal computers and licenses, within the approved resources for LIT-JINR. A distinctive feature of this research is the close cooperation of the Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT) with research groups from all JINR laboratories and Member State institutions.
Expected main results in the current year:
- Three-dimensional computer simulation of magnetic field distribution in superconducting corrective magnets for the NICA (JINR) and FAIR (GSI) projects.
Support for 3D multi-physical simulations using the COMSOL Multiphysics package for development of a superconducting proton therapy cyclotron in Dubna. Analysis of the measured magnetic field maps, calculations of the beam dynamics as well as of the influence of additional elements on the distribution of the magnetic field.
Development of methods and algorithms for efficient highly accurate three-dimensional modeling of magnets and computations targeted to the creation of superconducting cyclotrons for proton therapy, in collaboration with DLNP.
Generalization of Nambu – Jona-Lasinio – Polyakov model for the numerical description of properties of nuclear matter at NICA energies.
Development of new molecular dynamics algorithms aimed at increasing accuracy and significantly reducing the computing time.
Development of models for numerical studies of long-range structural changes of materials under heavy ion and nanocluster irradiation.
Numerical modeling of ablation at material surfaces under the action of ultrashort laser pulses.
Development of numerical methods for describing equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of mesoscopic systems of trapped atoms.
Numerical investigation of nuclear-physical processes within microscopic models, including reactions with light exotic nuclei.
Modeling neutrino-induced electromagnetic cascades at extremely high energies.
Development of methods for modeling the reflection of neutrons from layered nanostructures. Studies of magnetic films as structures consisting of vector micro-objects.
Study the role of spinor field in the evolution of the Universe (for minimal and non-minimal coupling) and in the formation of black holes and wormholes.
Maintenance of SAS primary processing program for YuMO spectrometer; development of a program for position sensitive detectors (isotropic and anisotropic scattering cases).
Step-by-step creation of an alert system for the BAIKAL project of DLNP.
Development of an extrapolation method of the sixth order with the aim at improving the algorithm efficiency for the numerical solution of a wide range of tasks.
Development of methods and algorithms for processing and analysis of the neutron noise of the IBR-2M reactor.
Multistage multiscale approach to the Bayesian automatic adaptive quadrature.
Development of algorithms for the numerical simulation of the evolution of a liquid crystal in a pulsed electric field, as well as under the influence of an orienting structured surface.
Simulation of peculiarities of the absorption-emission and photon density of states of a cholesterol liquid crystal with isotropic defect inside.
Transport approach based modeling of heavy-ion fragmentation reactions and comparison with experimental data. - Within the Geant4 package: modeling interactions and application in various experiments (PANDA, NICA/MPD, NICA/SPD).
Development of software support, processing and analysis of data in NUCLEON experiment.
Software support for the BM@N experiment: development and implementation of algorithms for modeling, processing and analysis of data for the BM@N track system consisting of gas and semiconductor detectors with microstrip information acquisition (GEM, SILICON, CSC) and their subsequent integration into the BMNRoot.
Development and refinement of the DQGSM model by comparison with experimental data of the BM@N.
The MPD experiment: participation in the realization of a laser calibration system for detector alignment, monitoring drift velocity and for taking electric field distortion into account inside the Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) of the MPD central barrel.
Further development of statistical methods for the analysis of experimental data under small statistics and incomplete observation of the studied processes.
Development of batch processing of neutron diffraction spectra measured in real-time in situ mode (HRFD at IBR-2, FLNP).
Software support of ATLAS experiment: development and maintenance of configuration and management of ATLAS TDAQ and of the EventIndex project
Software support of CMS experiment: development, testing and implementation into the official CMS release of algorithms for the separation of overlapping signals and for building track segments in cathode strip chambers (CSC).
The CBM experiment: development of a method for signal event selection in the CBM experiment based on a J/µ+ µ- trigger. Adaptation of the
n k criterion for the selection of doubly charged particles using the STS detector. Development of methods for the selection of rare decays associated with the hypernuclei.
Improvement of the geometry database for the problems of the CBM experiment and the NICA project.
Approximation of the Internet traffic measurements in the trunk channel with the sum of log-normal distributions.
Analysis of nanostructure and properties of vesicular systems of phospholipids using the small-angle scattering data in the framework of the separated form factors model.
Massive calculations of electrostatic potentials of Zn-transcription factors with the aim at determining the nature of their interaction with the operator DNA. - Development of ML/DL-based algorithms, including algorithms based on recurrent and convolutional neural networks with deep learning, for the rapid recognition of multiple tracks in particle physics experiments, including the NICA megaproject and the neutrino program.
Development of algorithms based on the neural network approach for analysis and classification of medical and biological data and for forecasting the status of the environment.
Parallelization of the most time-consuming functions using OpenMP, MPI, CUDA/OpenCL tools for modeling and reconstructing events in NICA experiments.
Development of mathematical methods based on deep learning neural network approach for the determination of fine structures in the distribution of nuclear reaction products by mass and energy.
Development and implementation of FEM solution of complex nonlinear magnetostatic problems within the COMSOL Multiphysics package.
Parallel software on heterogeneous computing platforms for high performance numerical simulation of complex physical processes (Josephson junctions, localized states in condensed media, gas-hydrodynamic processes in porous media).
Numerical study of multidimensional models based on evolutionary equations.
Parallel algorithms for solving equations of motion of the molecular dynamics and equations of continuous media.
Study of the possibility of increasing the performance of data analysis in ROOT through the use of graphics processors, comparative analysis of parallelization using PROOF and OpenCL (for applications in NICA project).
Parallel implementation of large scale random matrices diagonalization.
Parallel algorithms and codes for the solution of non-standard problems of magnetostatics.
Solving optimization problems aimed at getting best parameters of superdense nuclear matter models in the simulation of heavy ion collisions and in astrophysical applications.
Development of LDPC-like efficient decoding algorithms based on a genetic approach.
Development of finite element method based computational schemes for the description of the quadrupole oscillations of the collective model of the nucleus.
Development of computational schemes for the triangular three-center Coulomb problem and application to the H3 + molecule ion and H2O molecule.
Rebuilding mathematical packages entering the JINRLIB and CERNLIB (MATHLIB) libraries using modern software development tools, including open source (Intel Parallel Studio, GNU Compiler Collection).
Development of the concept of a scalable software-analytical platform for the collection, storage and processing of results for the MPD experiment within the Big Data approach.
Development of approaches for simulation, reconstruction and data processing of experiments on the basis of Big data Analytics for hybrid systems; use of new mathematical methods such as DQC (Dynamic Quantum Clustering), etc.
Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques for the optimization of the functioning of distributed computing for physical experiments; use of new mathematical methods such as Complex Networks, etc.
Creation of a prototype system for intelligent monitoring of distributed computing systems based on the Big Data Analytics platform using streaming data and time series analysis methods. - Modeling intelligence networks performing operations based on quantum decision theory; numerical analysis of models of artificial intelligence.
Construction of an involutive monomial division providing compactness of the canonical involutive form.
Development of an algorithm for reduction of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations to compact involutive form.
HybriLIT GPU implementation of an algorithm for reduction of polynomial algebraic systems to canonical involutive form.
Development of algorithms and programs to study multipartite quantum systems with spatial structure.
Choice and analysis of a model of artificial neural network admitting implementation of the track reconstruction problem on existing adiabatic quantum computers.
Definition of the basic elements for a quantum algorithm for the study of phase transitions in lattice QCD models at finite density.
Computation of quasi-probability distributions for two qubit system.
Computation of conditional probabilities of qubit state separability for non-negative Wigner distributions.
Development of Lindblad equation for open relativistic systems based on the Bogolyubov equations for the state vector in relativistic quantum field theory.
Embedding the FORM system module of field-theoretical calculations in high-energy physics into the Axiom system of computer algebra.
List of Activities | |||
Activity or experiment | Leaders | ||
Laboratory or other Division of JINR |
Main researchers | ||
1. | Mathematical and computation methods for simulation of complex physical systems |
Gh. Adam J. Busa I.V. Puzynin |
S. Adam, . Akhat, P.G. Akishin, I.V. Amirkhanov, E.A. Ayrjan, A.S. Ayriyan, I.V. Barashenkov, M.V. Bashashin, A.A. Bogolubskaya, I.L. Bogolubsky, A.M. Chervyakov, N.D. Dikusar, H. Grigorian, M. Kakenov, Yu.L. Kalinovsky, T.V. Karamysheva, M. Kakenov, D.S. Kulyabov, N.A. Kutovskyi, K.V. Lukyanov, N.V. Makhaldiani, T.I. Mikhailova, E.G. Nikonov, K. Oganesyan, T.P. Puzynina, B. Saha, N.R. Sarkar, I. Sarkhadov, Z.A. Sharipov, N.Yu. Shirikova, A.G. Soloviev, T.M. Solovieva, Yu.B. Starchenko, L.A. Siurakshina, Z.K. Tukhliev, A.V. Volokhova, O.O. Voskresenskaya, A. Wojczechowski, R.M. Yamaleev, E.P. Yukalova, E.V. Zemlyanaya, E.I. Zhabitskaya |
A.Yu. Boytsov, E.E. Donets, S. Gevorkyan, H.G. Khodzhibagiyan, V.A. Nikitin |
D.B. Blashke, V.V. Braguta, D.E. Castilio Alvares, A.V. Friesen, M. Hnatic, A.S. Hvorostuhin, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, V.K. Lukyanov, K.A. Maslov, L.A. Sevastianov, V.D. Toneev, V.V.Voronov, D.N. Voskresensky, V.I. Yukalov, V.Yu. Yushankhai |
M.K. Kochnev, S.M. Lukyanov, A. Oleinichak, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, R.A. Rymzhanov, V.A. Skuratov |
E.B. Askerov, A.V. Belushkin, A.I. Kuklin, A.I. Ivankov, Yu.N. Pepelyshev |
L.G. Afanasiev, I.A. Belolaptikov, G.A. Karamysheva, O. Karamyshev, I.N. Kiyan, B.A. Shaibonov, G.D. Shirkov |
2. | Software complexes and mathematical methods for processing and analysis of experimental data |
P.V. Zrelov V.V. Ivanov |
E.P. Akishina, E.I. Aleksandrov, I.N. Aleksandrov, D.A. Baranov, M.V. Bashashin, S. Belogurov, O.Yu. Derenovskaya, I.A. Filozova, A.A. Kazakov, A.I. Kazymov, B.F. Kostenko, P.I. Kisel, G.E. Kozlov, L.Yu. Kruglova, M.A. Mineev, G.J. Musulmanbekov, A.V. Nechaevsky, G.A. Ososkov, E.V. Ovcharenko, V.V. Palichik, D.I. Pryakhina, V.S. Rikhvitsky, I. Satyshev, T.F. Sapozhnikova, V.N. Shigaev, S.K.Slepnyov, A.N. Sosnin, A.V. Uzhinsky, V.V. Uzhinsky, N.N. Voitishin, A.V. Volokhova, A.V. Yakovlev, E.V. Zemlyanaya, E.I. Zhabitskaya, V.B. Zlokazov |
B.V. Batyunya, A.V. Bychkov, A.S. Galoyan, S.R. Gevorkyan, K.V. Gertsenberger, M.N. Kapishin, A.O. Kechechyan, V.P. Ladygin, V. Lenivenko, A.I. Malakhov, S.P. Merts, S.A. Movchan, S.V. Razin, O.V. Rogachevsky, V.N. Zhezher, M.A. Patsyuk |
V.D. Toneev |
A.G. Artukh, B. Erdemchimeg, A.S. Fomichev, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, Yu.V. Pyatkov, Yu.M. Sereda, Yu.G. Sobolev, Yu.S. Tsyganov, V.K. Utenkov |
A.M. Balagurov, I.A. Bobrikov, M.A. Kiselev, D.P. Kozlenko, M.V. Frontasyeva |
I.V. Bednyakov, V.A. Bednyakov, A.G. Olshevsky, L.G. Tkachev, A.S. Zhemchugov |
3. | Numerical methods, algorithms and software for multicore and hybrid architectures and Big Data analytics |
Gh. Adam O. Chuluunbaatar P.V. Zrelov V.V. Korenkov O.I. Streltsova |
E.I. Aleksandrov, A.S. Ayriyan, E.A. Ayrjan, M.V. Bashashin, S.D. Belov, D.V. Belyakov, J. Busa Jr., A.M. Chervyakov, I.A. Filozova, A.A. Gusev, I.S. Kadochnikov, M.A. Matveev, I.S. Pelevanyuk, D.V. Podgainy, R.V. Polyakova, L.V. Popkova, T.P. Puzynina, A.A. Sapozhnikov, T.F. Sapozhnikova, N.R. Sarkar, I. Sarkhadov, R.N. Semyonov, S.I. Serdyukova, Z.A. Sharipov, A.G. Soloviev, T.M. Solovieva, Z.K. Tukhliev, N.N. Voytishin, A.V. Volokhova, O.I. Yuldashev, M.B. Yuldasheva, E.V. Zemlyanaya, E.I. Zhabitskaya, M.I. Zuev |
V.V. Mitsyn, T.A. Strizh |
P.Yu. Apel, S.V. Mitrofanov, V.A. Skuratov |
P.M. Krassovitskiy, R.G. Nazmitdinov, Yu.V. Popov, Yu.M. Shukrinov, S.I. Vinitsky |
K.V. Gertsenberger, A.D. Kovalenko, A.A. Moshkin, E.E. Perepelkin, O.V. Rogachevsky, V.V. Voronyuk |
V.A. Bednyakov, D.V. Naumov, A.G. Olshevskiy, O. Samoilov, E.A. Yakushev |
V.V. Novitsky + 3 pers |
4. | Methods, algorithms and software of computer algebra and quantum computing |
V.P. Gerdt |
N. Abbasly, V. Abgaryan, A.A. Bogolubskaya, A.M. Khvedelidze, V.V. Kornyak, E.A. Kotkova, A.M. Raportirenko, I.A. Rogozhin, K.K. Sharma, O.V. Tarasov, A.G. Torosyan, D.A. Yanovich, E.P. Yukalova |
A.V. Czhizhov, P. Fiziev, A.I. Titov, V.I. Yukalov |
O.V. Rogachevsky |
B.N. Gikal |
Collaboration | |||
Country or International Organization |
City | Institute or Laboratory | |
Armenia | Yerevan | Foundation ANSL | |
RAU | |||
YSU | |||
Australia | Sydney | Univ. | |
Azerbaijan | Baku | IP ANAS | |
Belarus | Minsk | IM NASB | |
BSTU | |||
Belgium | Brussels | ULB | |
Louvain-la-Neuve | UCL | ||
Liege | ULg | ||
Brazil | Sao Carlos, SP | IFSC USP | |
Bulgaria | Sofia | IMI BAS | |
SU | |||
Plovdiv | PU | ||
Canada | Toronto | IBM Lab | |
Edmonton | U of A | ||
CERN | Geneva | CERN | |
China | Hangzhou | ZJU | |
Hefei | IPP CAS | ||
Czech Republic | Prague | CTU | |
France | Nancy | UL | |
Nantes | SUBATECH | ||
Georgia | Tbilisi | GTU | |
TSU | |||
UG | |||
RMI TSU | |||
Germany | Bonn | UniBonn | |
Darmstadt | GSI | ||
Dresden | HZDR | ||
IFW | |||
Frankfurt/Main | Univ. | ||
Freiberg | TUBAF | ||
Giessen | JLU | ||
Hamburg | Univ. | ||
Jena | Univ. | ||
Kassel | Uni Kassel | ||
Karlsruhe | KIT | ||
Marburg | Univ. | ||
Munich | LMU | ||
Rostock | Univ. | ||
Wuppertal | UW | ||
Greece | Thessaloniki | AUTH | |
Italy | Bari | UniBa | |
Turin | INFN | ||
Catania | INFN LNS | ||
Frascati | INFN LNF | ||
Israel | Tel Aviv | TAU | |
Japan | Osaka | Kansai Univ. | |
Saitama | SU | ||
Kazakhstan | Almaty | INP | |
Moldova | Chisinau | IAP | |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | IPT MAS | |
NUM | |||
Poland | Krakow | NINP PAS | |
Lublin | UMCS | ||
Otwock (Swierk) | NCBJ | ||
Warsaw | WUT | ||
Wroclaw | UW | ||
Portugal | Lisbon | UL | |
Romania | Bucharest | IFIN-HH | |
UB | |||
Cluj-Napoca | INCDTIM | ||
Magurele | ELI-NP | ||
IFA | |||
ISS | |||
Timisoara | UVT | ||
Russia | Moscow | GPI RAS | |
KIAM RAS | |||
IPMech RAS | |||
ICS RAS | |||
ITEP | |||
MRSU | |||
MSU | |||
RCC MSU | |||
NNRU "MEPhI" | |||
PFUR | |||
VIGG RAS | |||
Moscow, Troitsk | INR RAS | ||
Dubna | Dubna State Univ. | ||
Gatchina | NRC KI PNPI | ||
Novosibirsk | BINP SB RAS | ||
Perm | PSNRU | ||
Protvino | IHEP | ||
Puschino | IMPB RAS | ||
ITEB RAS | |||
IPR RAS | |||
Saratov | SSU | ||
St. Petersburg | NIIEFA | ||
Tomsk | TSU | ||
Tver | TvSU | ||
Slovakia | Kosice | IEP SAS | |
UPJS | |||
TUKE | |||
Presov | PU | ||
Banska Bistrica | UMB | ||
South Africa | Cape Town | UCT | |
Pretoria | UP | ||
Stellenbosch | SU | ||
Switzerland | Zurich | ETH | |
Tajikistan | Dushanbe | PHTI ASRT | |
TNU | |||
Khujand | KSU | ||
USA | Davis, CA | UCDavis | |
Los Angeles, CA | UCLA | ||
Madison, WI | UW-Madison | ||
La Jolla, CA | UCSD | ||
Lemont, IL | ANL | ||
Stanford, CA | SU | ||
Vietnam | Hanoi | VNU |