Priority: 1
Status: In-progress
Methods, Algorithms and Software for Modeling Physical Systems, Mathematical Processing and Analysis of Experimental Data


Leaders:     Gh. Adam
P.V. Zrelov

Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, China, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, USA, Vietnam. 

Scientific Programme:
Crrying out paramount advanced research in the field of computational mathematics and computational physics, directed to the creation of new mathematical methods, algorithms, and software for the numerical or symbolic-numerical solution of topics arising in experimental and theoretical studies, by using the newest computational tools, primarily the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT. This subject area includes a wide spectrum of investigations underway at JINR in high energy physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and nanotechnologies, biophysics, information technologies, etc., which demand the development of new mathematical methods and approaches for modeling physical processes, processing and analysis of experimental data, including the use of these studies in the NICA project, the neutrino programme and other strategic goals of the Institute. A distinctive feature of these investigations is the close cooperation of LIT with research groups from all the JINR laboratories and from Member State institutions. 

Expected main results in 2018:

  • Numerical investigation of the hydrodynamical equations for dense nuclear matter at NICA energies: one-dimensional hydrodynamics (Glauber model and Bjorken scenario); the 3-fluid hydrodynamics for heavy ion collisions. Creation of parallel packages on HybriLIT. 

    Study of the bound states of the hadrons and their birth in hot dense nuclear matter at the NICA energies. Creation of parallel packages on HybriLIT. 

    Three-dimensional computer simulation of magnetic field distribution in superconducting dipole and quadrupole magnets for the NICA Collider. Simulation of magnetic field in superconducting quadrupole magnets of the SIS100 (FAIR). 

    Lattice study of the dependence of the gluon effective mass within SU(2) gluodynamics on the choice of lattice boundary conditions. 

    Study of the occurrence of the quark degrees of freedom in nuclear structures and of the spin transfer in dA reactions in the BM@N experiment. 

    Development of a method to study photoproduction of long-lived nP states of the  + - atoms and nuclei at large momentum transfers. 

    Development of numerical and analytical methods of calculation, in the eikonal approximation, of forward transition amplitudes of the dimesoatoms as functions of the transferred momentum. 

    Development of methods of calculation of kinetic, thermodynamic and optical characteristics of the intermediates in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillating reactions. 

    Development of the microscopic optical potential model and its application to numerical studies of the mechanisms of interaction of the particles and nuclei with nuclei, including reactions with light exotic nuclei. Analysis and modeling of physical processes at the installations COMBAS and BURAN. 

    Numerical investigation of the spin dynamics of dipolar and spinor molecules in optical lattices. 

    Mathematical modeling of beam dynamics with subsequent correction of the formed magnetic field in the cyclotron for proton therapy SC202 (Hefei, China) on the basis of measured magnetic field maps and measured Smith-Garren curves. Mathematical modeling of operating modes for multi-purpose isochronous cyclotrons: AIC-144 (Krakow, Poland) and DC-280 (Dubna, Russia). 

    Development and maintenance of the primary data processing program "SAS" for the YuMO spectrometer at IBR-2M. Program upgrade to accommodate position sensitive detectors for isotropic scattering samples and ring detectors. 

    Development of algorithms for data analysis for anisotropic scattering samples. 

    Development of methods and algorithms for computing informative features invariant to geometrical transformations of 2D curves specified by measured point coordinates. 

    Optimal control of the decision path in Bayesian automatic adaptive quadrature. 

    Study of the stability of economical methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations with band matrices arising in the approximation of equations of elliptic and parabolic types with discontinuous coefficients. 

    Simulation of the process of cooling of the compact stars the equation of state of which characterizes the superdense nuclear matter, allowing the existence of a third family of compact stars (twins) and study of the characteristics of their thermal behavior. 

    Numerical modelling of quantitative structural changes in materials irradiated by beams of heavy ions and nanoclusters. Modeling the electron structure of lead halide perovskites for the next generation of solar cells and spintronics. 

  • Adaptation of the GEANT4 FTF model for simulations of antiproton-proton and antiproton-nucleus interactions foreseen in the PANDA experiment. 

    Tuning and validation of the GEANT4 FTF model for light and intermediate nucleus collisions, using the latest RHIC and NICA data, with the aim to use the created program for design studies and analysis of experimental data. 

    Study of the structural functions of the dileptons and of the enhancement of the strange particle yield in heavy-ion collisions in the NICA collaboration. 

    Further development of the dataflow control system in the experiments of the NICA project. 

    Software support of ATLAS experiment, agreed with the ATLAS computing team: creation and maintenance of a zipc-based new version of the Resource Manager; maintenance and development of a new version of the TDAQ Log Manager of the ATLAS; support and improvement of ATLAS network monitoring dashboard tool. 

    Improving the algorithms of the spatial coordinate recovery of the interaction points of the detected particles with matter in the tracking GEM detectors of the BM@N setup. 

    Development of a software model of the microstrip silicon detector and of algorithms for processing the data acquired with this detector, with the purpose to improve the accuracy of reconstruction of the primary vertices of interaction and to increase the effectiveness of the reconstruction of charged particle tracks in the BM@N setup BM@N: Trajectory reconstruction of charged particles in tracking detectors; strange hyperon search in Nuclotron data. 

    Reconstruction of the impulses of the charged particles registered by the GEM detectors in inhomogeneous magnetic field in the BM@N experiment based on the method of orthogonal polynomial sampling. 

    Reconstruction of the decays of short-lived strange and multistrange baryons in the BM@N experiment with the package KFParticleFinder. 

    Development of algorithms and programs for the particle trajectories recognition in the MPD setup. CMS: Development and testing of the algorithm of overlapped signal separation in CSC and its implementation into official CMS release; investigation of CSC performance (efficiency and resolution) with new LHC data; CSC ageing study on muon beam tests at the radiation source CERN-GIF++. 

    Investigation of the structure and properties of phospholipid based polydisperse nanosystems from small-angle scattering data analysis. 

    Basic element method based processing of the neutron noise of the reactor IBR-2M. 

    Investigation of applicability of neural networks with deep learning in the processing of the experimental information from modern track detectors in high energy physics to develop new algorithms for the reconstruction of the tracks of elementary particles. 

    Development of data processing programs for the project BAIKAL. 

    Further development of the software package VMRIA for the automatic analysis of large spectra collected in experiments carried out on HRFD at IBR-2M aimed at the study of the temporal evolution of the phase composition of polycrystals. 

    Development of software for automatic calibration of multi-detection systems based on the solution of a pattern recognition problem. 

    Development of event analysis based methods for parameter estimation and hypothesis testing under low statistics experiments and observation incompleteness. 

    Evaluation of the accuracy and resolution of the implementation of the inverse Fourier transform method used in neutron reflectometry for certain stochastic models of the surface of nanostructured objects. 

    Adaptation of the algorithm L1 - recognition and track reconstruction of charged particles for the BM@N experiment. 

    Further development of criteria and methods of reconstruction of the decays J/ e +e - in the CBM experiment. 

    Study of the possibility of creating a trigger for the selection of J/ e +e - based on the reconstruction of the trajectories of charged particles and their identification in the transition radiation detector TRD in the CBM experiment. 

    Further development of selection criteria of the rare decays J/ µ +µ - using data from the coordinate planes of the MUCH detector. 

    Software development of the data acquisition system (DAQ) and of the software interface between the DAQ and CBMRoot for the RICH detector online analysis. 

    Development, optimization and testing of algorithms for the event processing system FLES on multicore servers at LIT. Inclusion of the 4D-reconstruction time slices in CBMROOT. Study of the problem of possible event cleavage in the border areas between neighboring time slices. 

    Development and application of the "CATIA-GDML Geometry Builder" software to automatic design of large-scale experimental facilities in the environment ROOT / GEANT4-based CAD system CATIA v5. Application to the development of experimental facilities in JINR laboratories. 

    Further development of a database system for the CBM experiment: 
    1) implementation of component-wise database adapted to the features of the various detectors of the CBM facility; 
    2) implementation of the structure of the geometric database. 

    Development of methods and algorithms for massive calculations of electrostatic potentials of molecules of DNA, RNA and protein factors, as well as maps of the surface of these biopolymers. Calculation at the HybriLIT cluster of electrostatic potentials and surface maps of biopolymer molecules enabling solutions of biomolecular recognition problems. 

  • Development and maintenance of the information-computing environment of the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT including the setup and maintenance of specialized libraries. 

    Computer simulation of complex processes in multi-parameter nonlinear models of physics of the condensed state, including the polaron and the long Josephson junction models. Their code implementation for computations on HybriLIT. 

    Development of methods and MPI packages for the computation of multiple integrals (up to 9D) for the study of processes of ionization and photoionization of the He atom, polyatomic molecules, and their ions. 

    Development and implementation of new parallel algorithms into the MCTDHB software complex and their adaptation to the new KNL architecture of the Intel Xeon Phi. 

    HybriLIT devoted optimization of selected programs of the ROOT software package with the aim to improve the efficiency of parallel computing. 

    Development of parallel algorithms for direct methods of solving large sparse systems obtained under use of hp-adaptive projection-element methods with discontinuous bases. 

    Testing and validation of different modules of Comsol Multiphysics® package on the cluster HybriLIT and their adaptation for solving engineering-physical problems in JINR laboratories (superconducting magnet SC202-DLNP, modules of the new FLNR accelerator). 

    Implementation of parallel algorithms for the numerical solution of the Boltzmann-Poisson equations describing the interaction of protein macromolecules with the solvent. 

  • Modeling quantum spin dynamics of charged particles in intense laser fields. Development of a classification scheme of mixed states of quantum relativistic composite systems. 

    Development of search algorithms of regular structures in combinatorial models of quantum evolution using Monte Carlo simulation and methods of computational group theory. 

    Derivation of an algorithm for finding the parameterization of a simple complex Lie group as a singular Riemannian foliation on conjugacy classes using methods of the computational theory of the invariants. 

    Derivation, in the framework of Kantorovich method, of symbolic - numerical algorithms for solving three-dimensional and parametric two-dimensional boundary value problems by finite element methods of high order of accuracy for the study of bound states and scattering states of atom trimers. 

    Derivation of an algorithm for finding minimal bases of Feynman integrals with arbitrary powers of the propagators and its implementation in Maple. Application of the algorithm to one-loop integrals. Creation and optimization of a package in C to bring systems of linear difference equations to canonical involutive forms. 

    Development of constructive methods of Thomas triangular decomposition for polynomial-nonlinear systems of difference equations. Algorithmic test of the linearizability and equivalence for ordinary differential equations. 

List of Activities
  Activity or experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other 
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1.Mathematical and computation methods for simulation of complex physical systems Gh. Adam
I.V. Puzynin
 LIT   S. Adam,  P.G. Akishin,  I.V. Amirkhanov,  E.A. Ayrjan,  A.S. Аyriyan,  I.V. Barashenkov,  M.V. Bashashin,  I.L. Bogolubsky,  N.D. Dikoussar,  H. Grigorian,  Yu.L. Kalinovsky,  T.V. Karamysheva,  K.V. Lukyanov,  N.V. Makhaldiani,  T.I. Mikhailova,  G.J. Musulmanbekov,  E.G. Nikonov,  K. Oganesyan,  G.A. Ososkov,  R.V. Polyakova,  T.P. Puzynina,  B. Saha,  N.R. Sarkar,  I. Sarkhadov,  Z.A. Sharipov,  A.G. Soloviev,  T.M. Solovieva,  O.I. Streltsova,  L.A. Siurakshina,  Z.K. Tukhliev,  A.V. Volokhova,  O.O. Voskresenskaya,  A. Wojczechowski,  R.M. Yamaleev,  E.P. Yukalova,  E.V. Zemlyanaya
 VBLHEP   E.E. Donets,  S. Gevorkyan,  M.N. Kapishin,  A.O. Kechechyan,  H.G. Khodzhibagiyan,  V.A. Nikitin,  O.V. Rogachevski,  W. Scheinast
 BLTP   A.V. Friesen,  M. Hnatic,  E.-M. Ilgenfritz,  N.I. Kochelev,  V.K. Lukyanov,  S.N. Nedelko,  O.V. Teryaev,  V.D. Toneev,  S.I. Vinitsky,  V.I. Yukalov,  V.Yu. Yushankhai
 FLNR   A.G. Artukh,  B. Erdemchimeg,  S.M. Lukyanov,  Yu.E. Penionzhkevich,  R.A. Rymzhanov,  Yu.M. Sereda,  V.A. Skuratov,  Yu.G. Sobolev
 FLNP   A.I. Kuklin,  A.I. Ivankov,  D.V. Soloviev
 DLNP   L.G. Afanasiev,  G.A. Karamysheva,  I.N. Kiyan,  V.A. Malinin,  D.V. Popov
2.   Software complexes and mathematical methods for processing and analysis of experimental data P.V. Zrelov
V.V. Ivanov
 LIT   T.O. Ablyazimov,  E.P. Akishina,  V.P. Akishina,  E.I. Aleksandrov,  I.N. Aleksandrov,  D.A. Baranov,  S. Belogurov,  O.Yu. Derenovskaya,  N.D. Dikoussar,  A.A. Kazakov,  A.I. Kazymov,  P.I. Kisel,  B.F. Kostenko,  G.E. Kozlov,  L.Yu. Kruglova,  A.A. Lebedev,  M.A. Mineev,  G.A. Ososkov,  E.V. Ovcharenko,  V.I. Palichik,  V.S. Rikhvitsky,  V.N. Shigaev,  N.Yu. Shirikova,  S.K. Slepnev,  A.G. Soloviev,  T.M. Solovieva,  A.N. Sosnin,  V.V. Uzhinsky,  N.N. Voitishin,  A.V. Yakovlev,  E.V. Zemlyanaya,  E.I. Zhabitskaya,  V.B. Zlokazov
 VBLHEP   B.V. Batyunya,  A.S. Galoyan,  K.V. Gertsenberger,  M.N. Kapishin,  V.P. Ladygin,  V. Lenivenko,  A.I. Malakhov,  S.A. Movchan,  O.V. Rogachevsky,  M.G. Sapozhnikov,  N.D. Topilin
 FLNR   Yu.E. Penionzhkevich,  Yu.S. Tsyganov,  V.K. Utenkov
 FLNP   A.M. Balagurov,  A.V. Belushkin,  I.A. Bobrikov,  M.A. Kiselev,  D.P. Kozlenko,  S.A. Manoshin,  Yu.N. Pepelyshev
 DLNP   I.V. Bednyakov,  V.A. Bednyakov,  I.A. Belolaptikov,  V.B. Brudanin,  A.G. Olshevsky,  D.B. Pontecorvo,  B.A. Shaibonov,  L.G. Tkachev,  A.S. Zhemchugov
 UC   S. Pakuliak
3.   Numerical methods, algorithms and software computationally adapted to multicore and hybrid architectures Gh. Adam 
P.V. Zrelov
O.I. Streltsova
 LIT   E.I. Aleksandrov,  A.S. Аyriyan,  E.A. Ayrjan,  M.V. Bashashin,  D.V. Belyakov,  J. Bu?a,  A.M. Chervyakov,  O. Chuluunbaatar,  A.A. Gusev,  M. Kirakosyan,  M.A. Matveev,  D.V. Podgainy,  A.A. Sapozhnikov,  T.F. Sapozhnikova,  S.I. Serdyukova,  A.G. Soloviev,  T.M. Solovieva,  Sh. Torosyan,  A.V. Volokhova,  O.I. Yuldashev,  M.B. Yuldasheva,  E.V. Zemlyanaya,  E.I. Zhabitskaya,  M.I. Zuev
 FLNR   S.V. Bogomolov,  B.N. Gikal,  G.G. Gulbekian,  N.Yu. Kazarinov
 BLTP   D.B. Blashke,  Yu.V. Popov,  Yu.M. Shukrinov,  S.I. Vinitsky
 VBLHEP   I.A. Golutvin
 DLNP   G.A. Karamysheva,  O.V. Karamyshev,  I.N. Kyan,  N.A. Morozov,  G.D. Shirkov
4.   Methods, algorithms and software of computer algebra V.P. Gerdt  
 LIT   V. Abgaryan,  A.A. Bogolubskaya,  O. Chuluunbaatar,  A.A. Gusev,  A.M. Khvedelidze,  V.V. Kornyak,  Yu. Palii,  A.M. Raportirenko,  I.A. Rogozhin,  O.V. Tarasov,  A.G. Torosyan,  D.A. Yanovich
 BLTP   A.V. Czhizhov,  P. Fiziev,  A.I. Titov,  S.I. Vinitsky
 FLNR   B.N. Gikal


Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan Foundation ANSL  
Australia Canberra ANU  
Austria Linz JKU  
Belarus Minsk IM NASB  
Brazil Sao Carlos, SP IFSC USP  
Bulgaria Sofia IMI BAS  
  Plovdiv PU  
Canada Toronto IBM Lab  
  Edmonton U of A  
  Hamilton McMaster  
CERN Geneva CERN  
China Nanning GUFN  
Czech Republic Prague CTU  
France Marseille IM2NP  
  Metz UPV-M  
Georgia Tbilisi GTU  
Germany Bonn UniBonn  
  Darmstadt GSI  
  Dresden IFW  
    MPI PkS  
  Frankfurt/Main Univ.  
  Hamburg Univ.  
  Julich IKP  
  Kassel Uni Kassel  
  Munich LMU  
India Calcutta GCECT  
  Shibpur IIEST Shibpur  
Italy Bari UniBa  
  Catania INFN LNS  
Kazakhstan Almaty INP  
Mexico San Luis Potosi UASLP  
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar MUST  
Poland Krakow NINP PAS  
  Lublin UMCS  
  Otwock-Swierk NCBJ  
  Warsaw WUT  
  Wroclaw UW  
Romania Bucharest IFA  
  Cluj-Napoca INCDTIM  
Russia Moscow GPI RAS  
    KIAM RAS  
    NNRU "MEPhI"  
    NRC KI  
    RCC MSU  
    SINP MSU  
  Dubna Dubna Univ.  
  Protvino IHEP  
  Puschino IMPB RAS  
  Samara SSU  
  Saratov SSU  
  St. Petersburg ITMO  
  Tomsk TSU  
Saudi Arabia Tuval KAUST  
Slovakia Kosice IEP SAS  
  Presov PU  
  Banska Bistrica UMB  
South Africa Cape Town UCT  
  Stellenbosch SU  
Switzerland Zurich ETH  
Taiwan Taipei AS  
Tajikistan Dushanbe TNU  
  Khujent KSU  
United Kingdom Bath UB  
USA Lawrence, KS KU  
  Los Alamos, NM LANL  
Vietnam Hanoi VNU




НА 2018 ГОД



Теоретическая физика (01)
Физика элементарных частиц и релятивистская ядерная физика (02)
Ядерная физика (03)
Физика конденсированных сред, радиационные и радиобиологические исследования (04)
Сети, компьютинг, вычислительная физика (05)
Образовательная программа (06)


Теоретическая физика (01)

01-3-1113-2014/2018 Теория фундаментальных взаимодействий Казаков Д.И. 
Теряев О.В.
Aрбузов А.Б.
01-3-1114-2014/2018 Теория структуры ядра и ядерных реакций Воронов В.В. 
Вдовин А.И. 
Антоненко Н.В.
01-3-1115-2014/2018 Теория конденсированных сред Осипов В.А.
Поволоцкий А.М.
01-3-1116-2014/2018 Современная математическая физика:
струны и гравитация, суперсимметрия, интегрируемость
Исаев А.П.
Сорин А.С.
Кривонос С.О.
01-3-1117-2014/2018 Дубненская международная школа современной 
теоретической физики (DIAS-TH)
Сорин А.С.
Воронов В.В.

Физика элементарных частиц и релятивистская ядерная физика (02)

02-2-1123-2015/2019 Участие ОИЯИ в программе физических исследований на установке BES-III Жемчугов А.С.
02-0-1081-2009/2019 ATLAS.
Модернизация установки и физические исследования на LHC
Бедняков В.А.
02-2-1124-2015/2020 Поиск новой физики в экспериментах на интенсивных пучках мюонов Глаголев В.В.
02-2-1134-2018/2019 Эксперимент COMET на ускорительном комплексе J-PARC Цамалаидзе З.
02-2-1099-2010/2018 Исследование нейтринных осцилляций Наумов Д.В. 
Ольшевский А.Г.
02-0-1108-2011/2019 Эксперимент PANDA на ускорительном комплексе FAIR Алексеев Г.Д.
02-2-1125-2015/2020 Астрофизические исследования в эксперименте TAIGA Ткачев Л.Г.
02-1-1106-2011/2019 Исследования сжатой барионной материи на ускорительном комплексе GSI Ладыгин В.П.
Иванов В.В.
02-1-1096-2010/2019 Изучение редких распадов заряженных каонов и поиск темного сектора в экспериментах на SPS ЦЕРН Кекелидзе В.Д.
Потребеников Ю.К.
02-0-1083-2009/2019 CMS. Компактный мюонный соленоид на LHC Зарубин А.В.
02-0-1085-2009/2019 Изучение структуры нуклонов и адронов в ЦЕРН Нагайцев А.П.
02-1-1086-2009/2020 Странность в адронной материи и исследование неупругих реакций вблизи кинематических границ Строковский Е.А.
Кокоулина Е.С.
Кривенков Д.О.
02-0-1065-2007/2019 Развитие экспериментальной базы ОИЯИ для получения интенсивных пучков тяжелых ионов и поляризованных ядер с целью поиска смешанной фазы ядерной материи и исследования поляризационных эффектов в области энергий до sqrt= 11 GeV Кекелидзе В.Д.
Сорин А.С.
02-0-1127-2016/2018 Перспективные разработки систем ускорителей и коллайдеров нового поколения для фундаментальных и прикладных целей Ширков Г.Д.
02-1-1097-2010/2018 Изучение поляризационных явлений и спиновых эффектов
на ускорительном комплексе Нуклотрон--М ОИЯИ
Коваленко А.Д.
02-1-1087-2009/2020 Исследования по физике релятивистских тяжелых и легких ионов на ускорительных комплексах Нуклотрон/NICA ОИЯИ и SPS ЦЕРН Малахов А.И.
02-0-1066-2007/2020 Исследование свойств ядерной материи и структуры частиц на коллайдере релятивистских ядер и поляризованных протонов Ледницки Р.
Панебратцев Ю.А.
02-1-1088-2009/2019 ALICE. Исследование взаимодействий пучков тяжелых ионов и протонов на LHC Водопьянов А.С.
02-1-1107-2011/2019 Разработка и создание прототипа комплекса для радиотерапии и прикладных исследований на пучках тяжелых ионов Нуклотрона-М Тютюнников С.И.

Ядерная физика (03)

03-0-1129-2017/2021 Развитие ускорительного комплекса и экспериментальных установок ЛЯР (DRIBs-III) Гульбекян Г.Г.
Дмитриев С.Н.
Иткис М.Г.
03-5-1130-2017/2021 Синтез и свойства сверхтяжелых элементов, структура ядер на границах нуклонной стабильности Иткис М.Г.
03-2-1100-2010/2018 Неускорительная нейтринная физика и астрофизика Бруданин В.Б.
Ковалик А.
Якушев Е.А.
03-2-1102-2010/2018 Совершенствование Фазотрона ЛЯП 
и разработка циклотронов для физических и прикладных исследований
Карамышева Г.А.
Яковенко С.Л.
03-4-1128-2017/2019 Исследования взаимодействия нейтронов с ядрами и свойств нейтрона Швецов В.Н.

Физика конденсированных сред, радиационные и радиобиологические исследования (04)

04-4-1121-2015/2020 Исследования конденсированного состояния вещества с использованием современных методов нейтронографии Козленко Д.П.
Аксёнов В.Л. 
Балагуров А.М.
04-4-1105-2011/2019 Развитие исследовательской ядерной установки ИБР-2 с комплексом криогенных замедлителей нейтронов Белушкин А.В. 
Виноградов А.В.
04-4-1122-2015/2020 Развитие экспериментальной базы для проведения исследований конденсированных сред на пучках ИЯУ ИБР-2 Куликов С.А. 
Приходько В.И.
04-4-1133-2018/2020 Современные тенденции и разработки в области Рамановской микроспектроскопии и фотолюминесценции для исследований конденсированных сред Арзуманян Г.М.
Кучерка Н.
04-5-1131-2017/2021 Радиационно-физические, радиохимические и нанотехнологические исследования на пучках ускоренных тяжелых ионов Дмитриев С.Н. 
Апель П.Ю.
04-9-1077-2015/2020 Исследования биологического действия тяжелых заряженных частиц различных энергий Красавин Е.А. 
Тимошенко Г.Н.
04-9-1112-2013/2019 Исследование космического вещества на Земле и в ближайшем космосе; исследование биологических и геохимических особенностей ранней Земли Красавин Е.А. 
Розанов А.Ю.
Швецов В.Н.
04-2-1132-2017/2019 Проведение медико-биологических и радиационно-генетических исследований с использованием различных типов ионизирующих излучений Мицын Г.В.
04-2-1126-2015/2020 Новые полупроводниковые детекторы для фундаментальных и прикладных исследований Шелков Г.А.

Сети, компьютинг, вычислительная физика (05)

05-6-1118-2014/2019 Информационно-вычислительная инфраструктура ОИЯИ Кореньков В.В.
05-6-1119-2014/2019 Методы, алгоритмы и программное обеспечение для моделирования физических систем, математической обработки и анализа экспериментальных данных Адам Г.
Зрелов П.В.
05-8-1037-2001/2019 Аналитические и методические разработки для определения перспектив научных исследований и сотрудничества по основным направлениям развития ОИЯИ. Организация международного сотрудничества Сорин А.С.

Образовательная программа (06)

06-0-1120-2014/2018 Организация, обеспечение и развитие образовательной программы ОИЯИ Матвеев В.А.
Пакуляк С.З.





Theoretical Physics (01)
Elementary Particle Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics (02)
Nuclear Physics (03)
Condensed Matter Physics, Radiation and Radiobiological Research (04)
Networking, Computing, Computational Physics (05)
Educational Programme (06)

Theoretical Physics (01)

 01-3-1113-2014/2018 Theory of Fundamental Interactions D.I. Kazakov 
O.V. Teryaev
A.B. Arbuzov
01-3-1114-2014/2018 Theory of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions V.V. Voronov
A.I. Vdovin
N.V. Antonenko
01-3-1115-2014/2018 Theory of Condensed Matter V.A. Osipov
A.M. Povolotskii
01-3-1116-2014/2018 Modern Mathematical Physics:
Strings and Gravity, Supersymmetry, Integrability
A.P. Isaev
A.S. Sorin
S.O. Krivonos
01-3-1117-2014/2018 Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics
A.S. Sorin
V.V. Voronov

Elementary Particle Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics (02)

02-2-1123-2015/2019 JINR's Participation at the BES-III Physics Research Program A.S. Zhemchugov
02-0-1081-2009/2019 ATLAS. 
Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector and Physics Research at the LHC
V.A. Bednyakov
02-2-1124-2015/2020 Search for New Physics in Experiments with High-Intensity Muon Beams V.V. Glagolev
02-2-1134-2018/2019 Experiment COMET at J-PARC Z. Tsamalaidze
02-2-1099-2010/2018 Study of Neutrino Oscillations D.V. Naumov
A.G. Olshevskiy
02-0-1108-2011/2019 Experiment PANDA at FAIR G.D. Alexeev
02-2-1125-2015/2020 Astrophysical Studies in the Experiment TAIGA L.G. Tkatchev
02-1-1106-2011/2019 Investigations of Compressed Baryonic Matter at the GSI Accelerator Complex V.P. Ladygin
V.V. Ivanov
02-1-1096-2010/2019 Study of Rare Charged Kaon Decays and Search for Dark Sector
in Experiments at the CERN SPS
V.D. Kekelidze
Yu.K. Potrebenikov
02-0-1083-2009/2019 CMS. Compact Muon Solenoid at the LHC A.V. Zarubin
02-0-1085-2009/2019 Studies of the Nucleon and Hadron Structure at CERN A.P. Nagaytsev
02-1-1086-2009/2020 Strangeness in Hadronic Matter and Study of Inelastic Reactions Near Kinematical Borders E.A. Strokovsky
E.S. Kokoulina
D.O. Krivenkov
02-0-1065-2007/2019 Development of the JINR Basic Facility for Generation of Intense Heavy Ion and Polarized Nuclear Beams Aimed at Searching for the Mixed Phase of Nuclear Matter and Investigation of Polarization Phenomena at the Collision Energies up to  sqrt= 11 GeV V.D. Kekelidze
A.S. Sorin
02-0-1127-2016/2018 Advanced Studies on Systems of New-Generation
Accelerators and Colliders for Fundamental
and Applied Research
G.D. Shirkov
02-1-1097-2010/2018 Study of Polarization Phenomena and Spin Effects
at the JINR Nuclotron-M Facility
A.D. Kovalenko
02-1-1087-2009/2020 Research on Relativistic Heavy and Light Ion Physics. Experiments at the Accelerator Complex Nuclotron/NICA at JINR and CERN SPS A.I. Malakhov
02-0-1066-2007/2020 Investigation of the Properties of Nuclear Matter and Particle Structure at the Collider of Relativistic Nuclei and Polarized Protons R. Lednicky
Yu.A. Panebratsev
02-1-1088-2009/2019 ALICE. Study of Interactions of Heavy Ion and Proton Beams
at the LHC
A.S. Vodopyanov
02-1-1107-2011/2019 Development and Construction of the Prototype of a Complex for Radiotherapy and Applied Research with Heavy-Ion Beams at the Nuclotron-M S.I. Tyutyunnikov

Nuclear Physics (03)

03-0-1129-2017/2021 Development of the FLNR Accelerator Complex 
and Experimental Setups (DRIBS-III)
G.G. Gulbekyan
S.N. Dmitriev
M.G. Itkis
03-5-1130-2017/2021 Synthesis and Properties of Superheavy Elements, 
Structure of Nuclei at the Limits of Nucleon Stability
M.G. Itkis
03-2-1100-2010/2018 Non-Accelerator Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics V.B. Brudanin
A. Kovalik
E.A. Yakushev
03-2-1102-2010/2018 Improvement of the JINR Phasotron and Design of Cyclotrons for Fundamental and Applied Research G.A. Karamysheva 
S.L. Yakovenko
03-4-1128-2017/2019 Investigations of Neutron Nuclear Interactions 
and Properties of the Neutron
V.N. Shvetsov

Condensed Matter Physics, Radiation and Radiobiological Research (04)

04-4-1121-2015/2020 Investigations of Condensed Matter 
by Modern Neutron Scattering Methods
D.P. Kozlenko 
V.L. Aksenov 
A.M. Balagurov
04-4-1105-2011/2019 Development of the IBR-2 Facility with a Complex of Cryogenic Neutron Moderators A.V. Belushkin
A.V. Vinogradov
04-4-1122-2015/2020 Development of Experimental Facilities for Condensed Matter Investigations with Beams of the IBR-2 Facility S.A. Kulikov
V.I. Prikhodko
04-4-1133-2018/2020 Modern Trends and Developments in Raman Microspectroscopy and Photoluminescence for Condensed Matter Studies G.M. Arzumanyan
N. Kucerka
04-5-1131-2017/2021 Radiation Physics, Radiochemistry, and Nanotechnology Investigations Using Beams of Accelerated Heavy Ions S.N. Dmitriev
P.Yu. Apel
04-9-1077-2015/2020 Research on the Biological Effect of Heavy Charged Particles 
with Different Energies
E.A. Krasavin
G.N. Timoshenko
04-9-1112-2013/2019 Research on Cosmic Matter on the Earth and in Nearby Space;
Research on the Biological and Geochemical Specifics 
of the Early Earth
E.A. Krasavin
A.Yu. Rozanov 
V.N. Shvetsov
04-2-1132-2017/2019 Biomedical and Radiation-Genetic Studies Using Different Types of Ionizing Radiation G.V. Mitsyn
04-2-1126-2015/2020 Novel Semiconductor Detectors for Fundamental and Applied Research G.A. Shelkov

Networking, Computing, Computational Physics (05)

05-6-1118-2014/2019 Information and Computing Infrastructure of JINR V.V. Korenkov
05-6-1119-2014/2019 Methods, Algorithms and Software for Modeling Physical Systems, Mathematical Processing and Analysis of Experimental Data Gh. Adam
P.V. Zrelov
05-8-1037-2001/2019 Analytical and Methodological Work to Assess the Prospects
of Scientific Research and Cooperation in the Main Directions 
of JINR's Development.
Organization of International Cooperation
A.S. Sorin

Educational Programme (06)

06-0-1120-2014/2018 Organization, Support and Development 
of the JINR Educational Programme
V.A. Matveev
S.Z. Pakuliak