  Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics

Theme leader: I.G. Pirozhenko
Rector of DIAS-TH:         D.I. Kazakov

Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Russia, Serbia.

The problem under study and the main purpose of the reserch:

The Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH) is a scientific and educational project aimed, firstly, at training senior students, post-graduate students and young scientists on research topics of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, priority scientific areas of JINR research and modern areas of physics. The second goal of the project is to expand international cooperation and attract young scientists from Russia and the participating countries to JINR.
Projects in the theme:
  Name of the project Project Leaders Project code
1. Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH)
I.G. Pirozhenko
D.I. Kazakov


  Name of the project Project Leaders
Laboratory (Responsible from laboratories    
1. Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics
I.G. Pirozhenko
D.I. Kazakov
N.V. Antonenko, A.N. Baushev, E.A. Davydov,  M. Hnatic, A.P. Isaev, M.A. Ivanov, R.V. Jolos, O.P. Klimenko, E.A. Kolganova, V.A. Osipov, M.V. Savina, S.S. Sidorov, Sorin A.S., A.A. Starobinsky, O.V. Teryaev, P.V. Tretyakov,  V.I. Zhuravlev, + 4 students

MLIT Yu.L. Kalinovsky, V.V. Korenkov, S.V. Shmatov

V.L. Aksenov

VBLHEP V.D. Kekelidze

DLNP V.A. Bednyakov, D.V. Naumov

FLNR A.S. Denikin, V. Khudoba, Yu.Ts. Oganessian


Brief annotation and scientific rationale:

The Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-Th) is a scientific and educational project that has successfully been developing at the N.N. Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics since 2003.
The project is aimed, firstly, at training senior students, post-graduate students and young scientists on research topics of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, priority scientific areas of JINR research and modern areas of physics. For this purpose, schools of various levels are regularly held for students, postgraduates and young scientists from the JINR Member States and other countries, and lectures are published. In addition, review lectures on problems of modern physics are organized for JINR staff. Both researchers of JINR Laboratories and internationally recognized scientists from scientific centers of the Russian Federation and foreign scientific centers are involved in giving lectures. Lectures given by the world's leading experts at DIAS schools stimulate the emergence of new areas of research at BLTP. The project provides in-depth training in the field of modern theoretical and mathematical physics. To this end, the project participants cooperate with the JINR University Center, as well as with the JINR-based Departments at Dubna State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University.
Secondly, the project is aimed at dissemination of scientific knowledge, namely, informing schoolchildren and people who are not professionally engaged in science about the achievements of modern theoretical physics, in particular, about current research at BLTP. In addition, one of the objectives of the project is to encourage young scientists to cooperate with BLTP JINR.

Expected results upon completion of the project:

Within the framework of the project "Dubna International School of Modern Theoretical Physics", in educational activities it is supposed to organize regular schools on JINR priority topics and modern scientific areas for schoolchildren, students, post-graduate students and young scientists from the JINR Member States and other countries; to carry out review lectures on problems of modern physics for JINR staff; to continue/renew cooperation with scientific organizations of the Russian Federation and foreign scientific organizations, higher educational institutions in educational activities; to participate in the educational activities at the JINR-based departments of Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT, Dubna State University together with the JINR University Center; to organize schools for students, graduate students and young scientists in cooperation with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Yerevan Institute of Physics, etc.; to take part in international scientific and educational projects.
In the dissemination of physical knowledge  it is planned to collabotate with other projects promoting popular science, such as Post Nauka, with foundations of the Russian Federation (Science Foundation of the Russian Federation, Federal Target Programs) and international foundations in organizing and conducting international schools for students, graduate students and young scientists.
It is also planned to support the DIAS-TH website, to provide video broadcasting of lectures, to record the video of lectures, and to support the digital archive of DIAS-TH.


Expected results of the project in the current year:

Organization at BLTP of three schools on theoretical physics for students, post-graduates and young scientists:
- Winter school «Physics of multi-particle systems» (Chair of the Organizing Committee O.V. Teryaev)
- International Summer School «Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics: Integrable and Stochastic Systems» (Chair of the Organizing Committee M. Hnatic)
- International Summer School «Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical Applications» (Chair of the Organizing Committee N.V. Antonenko)
Organization of one-day lectures/discussions and regular seminars for students and post-graduates and JINR researchers.
Computer processing of video records of lectures, support of digital archive of video records.
Support of Web-site of DIAS-TH.


Country or International Organization City Institute or laboratory
Armenia Yerevan Foundation ANSL
Belarus Gomel GSTU
Czech Republic Prague CTU
Russia Chernogolovka LITP RAS
  Dolgoprudny MIPT
  Kazan KFU
  Moscow ITEP
    MI RAS
  Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
  Protvino IHEP
  Saratov SSU
  St. Petersburg SPbSU
  Tomsk TPU
Serbia Nis Univ.