
Study of Rare Charged Kaon Decays and Search for Dark Sector
in Experiments at the CERN SPS

Theme leaders:    V.D. Kekelidze

Deputy:     D.V. Peshekhonov
D.T. Madigozhin

Participating countries and international organizations:
Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, CERN, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Romania, 
Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA.

The problem under study and the main purpose of the research:
Search for and study of rare kaon decays and CP violation processes. Search for rare events using beam-dump and missing energy techniques with CERN SPS secondary beams. Search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model. Construction and maintenance of detectors.

Projects in the theme:
  Name of the project Project Leaders Project code



V.D. Kekelidze
D.T. Madigozhin


2. NA64 V.А. Matveev
D.V. Peshekhonov
  Name of the project Project Leaders
Laboratory   Responsible from laboratories
1. NA62 V.D. Kekelidze
D.T. Madigozhin

Data taking
Data analysis
VBLHEP    A.N. Baeva, V.V. Bautin, D. Baigarashev, T.L. Enik, D.D. Emelyanov, V.P. Falaleev, 
S.R. Gevorgyan, V.N. Gorbunova, E.A. Gudzovsky, I. Kambar, D. Kereibay, A.M. Korotkova, N.A. Molokanova, I.A. Polenkevich, K.M. Salamatin, S.N. Shkarovsky

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Realization of the NA62 Project allows to clarify the CP-violation problem, to measure precisely very rare charged kaon decay to charged pions and two neutrinos, to carry out a search for supersymmetric particles and their partners to observe physics beyond the Standard Model. In addition, the characteristics of rare kaon and hyperon decays will be improved.  Straw-detectors of the NA62 high resolution magnetic spectrometer working in vacuum will be supported during experimental runs. Development of a new detector prototype based on straws with a smaller diameter will be started to use it at higher intensity of the beams. Software for simulation, data analysis and processing will be developed.

Expected results upon completion of the project:
Measurement of the rare decay of a charged kaon into a pion and two neutrinos with an accuracy of about 10%, which will make it possible to refine the parameters of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and will be a decisive test of the Standard Model.

In addition, the probabilities and other parameters of a number of rare decays of charged kaons will be measured, which will make it possible to refine the parameters of the Chiral Perturbation Theory, which describes strong interactions at low energies.

Expected results of the project this year:
NA62 and NA48/2 data analysis will be carried out. Two articles will be published in peer-reviewed journals with decisive participation of JINR staff in data analysis.

Software for the simulation of the magnetic spectrometer and full set-up will be developed; system for detector calibration and event reconstruction will be upgraded; general software of the experiment will be developed.

Participation in the maintenance of the NA62 spectrometer, as well as in the development and maintenance of the control system for all detectors of the experiment.

Participation in the development of a straw detector for high intensity beams.

Participation in the NA62 experimental run at the CERN SPS. 

2. NA64 V.A. Matveev
D.V. Peshekhonov
Data taking
Data analysis
VBLHEP T.L. Enik, S.V. Gertsenberger, A.V. Ivanov, I. Kambar, G.D. Kekelidze,
V.A. Kramarenko, K.M. Salamatin, E.V. Vasilieva, P.V. Volkov, I.A. Zhukov

DLNP V.N. Frolov

BLTP N.V. Krasnikov, A.S. Zhevlakov


A.V. Dermenev, S.M. Gninenko, D.V. Kirpichnikov, V. Polyakov, D. Shchukin

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
The main objective of the NA64 experiment is to search for new physics beyond the SM, namely the search for the dark photon (A'), hypotetical boson with 16.7 MeV mass and other manifestations of the dark sector in the experiments on the CERN SPS electron and muon secondary beams. Tracking detectores based on the straw tube technology support. Software for data MC simulation and analysis will be developed. Data analysis will be provided.

Expected results upon completion of the project:
The main aim of the NA64 project is s search of the new physics beyond the SM, namely the search on the secondary CERN SPS electron and muon beams of the dark photon (A') and hypotetical 16,7 GeV boson as well as other dark sector manifestations.

Expected results of the project this year:
NA64, analysis of the experimental data.

Operation and support of the detectors.

Participation in NA64 experimental runs in the experimental zone on the H4 and muon SPS channels, CERN.

On-line and off-line software development, for the straw chambers analysis and for the DAQ experiment in particular.


Country or International Organization City Institute or laboratory
Belarus Minsk INP BSU
Belgium Louvain-la-Neuve UCL
Bulgaria Blagoevgrad SWU
  Plovdiv PU
  Sofia SU
Canada Toronto YU
  Vancouver TRIUMF
Chile Valparaiso UTFSM
Czech Republic Prague CU
France Marseille CPPM
Germany Bonn UniBonn
  Mainz JGU
Italy Ferrara INFN
  Florence INFN
  Frascati INFN LNF
  Genoa INFN
  Naples INFN
  Perugia INFN
  Pisa INFN
  Rome INFN
    Univ. “Tor Vergata”
  Turin INFN
Kazakhstan Almaty INP
Mexico San Luis Potosi UASLP
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
Russia Moscow LPI RAS
  Moscow, Troitsk HPPI RAS
  Protvino IHEP
  Tomsk TPU
Slovakia Bratislava CU
Spain Valencia IFIC
Switzerland Lausanne EPFL
  Zurich ETH
United Kingdom Birmingham Univ.
  Bristol Univ.
  Glasgow U of G
  Lancaster LU
USA Boston, MA BU
  Fairfax, VA GMU
  Menlo Park, CA SLAC
  Merced, CA UCMerced
  Upton, NY BNL