
Scientific and Educational Programmes
for the Training of Highly Qualified Personnel

Theme leaders:     D.V. Kamanin
A.Yu. Verkheev

Participating Countries and International organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cuba, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.

The problem under study and the main purpose of the reserch:
Development of the human resources training programmes at JINR aimed at further employment of the trainees as scientific and engineering specialists of the Institute is a key task, which includes work with various target audiences, including schoolchildren and school teachers.

For these purposes, the UC, together with the universities of the JINR Member States, creates appropriate conditions for students and PhD students from universities of the Member States to enable them to work on their qualification theses based on the research

conducted in the laboratories of the Institute, supports the activities of the JINR-based departments of the universities based in the country of the Institute’s location, participates in the creation and development of network training programmes, trains students, PhD students, and interns on the basis of cooperation agreements with the universities of the JINR Member States and international organizations. An important part of the human resources programme is organization and running of international student practices and schools for young people from the Member States of the Institute; building and maintenance of the laboratory environment intended for hands-on training in scientific and engineering disciplines; support and further development of the system of training courses aimed at gaining or improving professional skills and qualifications of JINR technical and engineering personnel.

Development of the JINR outreach programme aimed at promotion of modern science achievements among school students and teachers, organization of excursions and online tours of the JINR main facilities; participation in science festivals, exhibitions, and forums promoting JINR; development of cooperation and communication with educational centres for school students; design and production of information materials for the JINR information centres, administration of the UC groups in the social media.

Expected results upon completion of the theme stages or projects:
Participation in the development of lecture courses and seminars for students and PhD students of the JINR-based departments of the Russian universities.

Training of students and PhD students at JINR on the basis of cooperation agreements with the universities of the JINR Member States and other countries.

Support and further development of the Engineering and Physics Training hands-on activities for students and PhD students from the JINR Member States and partner universities.

Support of the system of assigning Institute employees to JINR for preparation of their PhD theses without completing the academic programme of the PhD course. Participation in the Institute system of attestation of scientific personnel.

Organization and running of the JINR student programme "START", online programme "INTEREST", international student schools and practices.

Launch of the short-term Advanced Science Programmes for Young Researchers and Engineers “ASPYRE” at JINR.

Further development of the licensed system of training courses aimed at gaining or improving professional skills and qualifications of the technical and engineering personnel of the Institute.

Implementation of the advanced training programmes for school teachers from the JINR Member States.

Support of Dubna Interschool Physics and Mathematics Open Classroom and science programmes for school students, interaction with the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum named after Academician V.G. Kadyshevsky and other educational institutions.

Further development of the partner network of JINR information centres.

Organization and running of the JEMS programme.

Development of printed and electronic popular-science informational materials promoting the Institute and modern scientific achievements.

Provision of JINR partner universities and information centres in the Member States with electronic and printed informational materials.

Extension of the JINR partner network through further development of educational programmes.

Expected results in the current year:
Support and supervision of the educational process at the JINR-based departments of the Russian universities.

Support of the system of assigning young researchers to JINR laboratories for preparation of their PhD theses.

Organization and running of the International Student Practices in JINR Fields of Research for students of the JINR Member States' universities. Attraction of new countries for participation in the programme.

Organization and running of the JINR student programme "START" (summer and winter sessions) and online programme "INTEREST" (spring and autumn waves).

Test-running of the school for future teachers.

Organization and running of joint scientific events and schools with partner universities at JINR.

Support and further development of an information system on the preparation of qualification theses by students and PhD students from universities of the JINR Member States in the Institute laboratories.

Organization and running of the Engineering and Physics Training hands-on activities for students and PhD students from the JINR Member States, further development of the existing laboratory works, development of laboratory works at LINAC-200. Further development of educational programmes on the accelerator arrangement and beam diagnostics.

Development of the language courses programme aimed at teaching Russian as a foreign language and English to JINR personnel.

Running of the training courses aimed at gaining or improving professional skills and qualifications of the technical and engineering personnel of the Institute.

Organization of scientific schools for physics teachers from the Institute Member States at JINR.

Further development of educational programmes for high school students from the partner countries of JINR.

Further development of virtual tours of JINR main facilities and video conferences with educational institutions of the JINR Member States. Organization and guidance of group visits to JINR for school and university students.

Promotion of modern educational resources in the JINR Member States.

Organization of the participation of JINR in science festivals on the basis of Russian universities.

Further development of the partner network of JINR information centres.

Organization and running of the JEMS programmes in accordance with the international cooperation plan.

  Area of activity  Leaders
Laboratory (Subdivision)
Leaders from Laboratories     
Responsible from Laboratories
1. Organization of the educational
process at JINR
D.V. Kamanin
A.Yu. Verkheev
Ye. A. Yakushev
D.V. Naumov

A.Baimukhanova, A.G. Olshevskiy, A.S. Zhemchugov 
D.I. Kazakov

N.V. Antonenko
E.V. Lychagin
V.N. Shvetsov

M.V. Avdeev,  A.V. Belushkin
A.V. Butenko
N.A. Strokovsky
O.V. Belov

A.I. Malakhov, A.O. Sidorin
S.I. Sidorchuk

A.V. Karpov, A.G. Popeko
S.V. Shmatov
V.V. Korenkov
T.A. Strizh

O.Yu. Derenovskaya, I.S. Pelevanyuk, O.I. Streltsova
A.N. Bugay

I..V. Koshlan
V.D. Kekelidze 
L. Kostov
B.N. Gikal

V.A. Matveev, B.Yu. Sharkov
O.-A. Culicov

E.A. Badawy
2. Outreach and JINR promotion A.A. Suschevich  

N.V. Anfimov, M.V. Shirchenko


A.V. Andreev, A.V. Frizen


D.M. Chudoba, C. Khramko


D.K. Dryablov


K.B. Gikal,  A.V. Karpov


I.S. Pelevanyuk


T.S. Khramko,  I.A. Kolesnikova,  Yu.S. Severyukhin


M.S. Pilipenko
3. Engineering and physics training M.A. Nozdrin
VBLHEP R.V. Pivin, K.G. Osipov

DLNP A.N. Trifonov, A.S. Zhemchugov

FLNR D.S. Belozerov, A.Yu. Bodrov, V.A. Buzmakov, K.B. Gikal, A.M. Kapitonov,
A.V. Khalkin, E.V. Pishchalnikova, A.V. Sabelnikov, K.A. Verlamov,
V.Yu. Zhegolev,  D.A. Zlydenny

4. JINR information centres
JEMS programme
D.V. Kamanin  
D.V. Naumov

E.N. Dubovik 
N.V. Antonenko

A.V. Andreev
V.N. Shvetsov

D.M. Chudoba
R. Lednicky

A.O. Sidorin 
S.I. Sidorchuk

G. Kaminski,  A.V. Karpov
O.Yu. Derenovskaya
O.I. Streltsova

I.S. Pelevanyuk
A.N. Bugay

I.V. Koshlan 
S.N. Nedelko

A.S. Zhemchugov
O.-A. Culicov

E.A. Badawy, Yu.N. Polyakova

 Project in the theme:

  Name of the project  Project Leader
Project Code
Laboratory   Responsibles from laboratories Status
1. Open information and educational environment for supporting fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research at JINR Yu.A. Panebrattsev


A.P. Cheplakov
K.V. Klygina
N.E. Sidorov

A.S. Averichev, А.А. Aparin, O.V. Belov, E.I. Golubeva, A.A. Korobitsyn,
N.A. Lashmanov, Vinh Ba Luong, Yu.D. Orlova, M.P. Osmachko, N.E. Pukhaeva, P.D. Semchukov, N.I. Vorontsova, G.A. Yarygin 
A.V. Karpov
A.S. Denikin

D. Aznabayev, T. Isatayev, S.M. Lukianov, K. Mendibayev, M.A. Naumenko,
V.A. Rachkov 
A.N. Bugai
I.V. Koshlan

A.V. Chizhov, D.V. Davydov, I.S. Gordeev, M.I.  Kapralov, V.A. Krylov,
E.E. Pavlik, A.Yu. Rosanov, A.K. Ryumin

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
The integration of science, education and the achievements of modern technologies is becoming especially important as one of the most important factors for the development of the economy and the social structure of a society based on knowledge-intensive technologies. To solve these tasks, it is necessary to combine the efforts of various universities and research centers to create new training courses and research practices.

Multimedia and interactive methods, combined with real data obtained in one of the research centers, could largely solve this problem. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, as an international organization, under whose auspices the participating states, associate members and dozens of collaborating universities from around the world, offers its solution to this problem in the form of the implementation of the project “Open information and educational environment for supporting fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research at JINR”

Project purposes:
- the use of modern educational technologies for the preparation of university students and advanced training of specialists for work at JINR;

- attracting talented young people from the participating countries and countries cooperating with JINR to participate in research projects of the Institute;

- implementation of the results in the field of fundamental and applied research obtained at JINR into the educational process in the member countries and associate members of JINR. Expanding the geography of cooperation;

- cooperation with the world’s leading scientific centers and universities in the field of creating educational resources for physics teachers and high school students;

- increasing the awareness of fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research conducted at JINR and the JINR brand among a wide audience. Placement of courses prepared by leading JINR specialists on international platforms of open education;

- creation of educational and exhibition content on JINR topics at the level of leading scientific centers.

Expected results upon completion of the project:
Information support of the main areas of fundamental and applied research at JINR.

Creation of online courses and new educational programs on the subject of the Institute's activities on modern educational platforms.

Development of a project to create virtual, remote and laboratory practicums for the study of nuclear physics and applied research.

Development of exhibition activities about the achievements of JINR and modern science in the Russian Federation and countries cooperating with JINR.

Creation of multimedia resources and web solutions to support JINR information centers.

Creation of electronic educational materials and research laboratory practicums for schoolchildren to study physics and biology at an advanced level in schools of the Russian Federation and partner countries.

Creation and implementation in the educational process of Russian schools of an educational and methodological complex for studying physics at an advanced level "Physics 7-9. Engineers of the Future".
Expected results of the project in the year:
Creation and development of an information system for supporting applied research at the NICA accelerator complex (ARIADNA project).

Development of a web-based knowledge base on low energy nuclear physics “Nuclear Reaction Video 2.0”.

Cooperation with NRNU MEPhI in the field of creating online courses in nuclear physics, engineering, atomic and related technologies and their further publishing at the educational portals of JINR (edu.jinr.ru) and NRNU MEPhI (online.mephi.ru), and website (инженеры-будущего.рф).

Using augmented, extended and virtual reality to prepare exhibition displays dedicated to the basic facilities and experimental research of JINR.

Development of a virtual practicum on radiobiology for working with an electron microscope on the example of the study of microfossils and organic compounds in meteorites and in ancient terrestrial rocks.

Development of a platform for remote practicums together with iThemba LABS.

Development of hands-on practicums and new virtual laboratory works on nuclear electronics and the basics of detection of ionizing particles.

Organizing practices and workshops for university students.

Launch of the JINR – iThemba LABS Corner exposition South Africa. Creation of a series of videos on the basics of experimental nuclear physics for schoolchildren for the JINR – iThemba LABS Corner exposition.

Creation of a website to support the educational and methodological complex for studying physics at an advanced level in Russian schools "Physics 7-9. Engineers of the Future".

Creation of electronic educational materials for the elective course “Nuclear Physics” for a specialized school, including research practicums in nuclear physics (hands-on, virtual and remote). 
Country or International Organization City Institute or laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YSU
Azerbaijan Baku IP ANAS
Belarus Gomel GSU
  Minsk BSTU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Cuba Havana ASC
Egypt Cairo ASRT
Kazakhstan Almaty KazNU
  Astana ENU
  Ust-Kamenogorsk EKSU
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar MNUE
Russia Arkhangelsk NArFU
  Belgorod BelSU
  Dolgoprudny MIPT
  Dubna Dubna State Univ.
  Grozny CheSU
  Irkutsk ISU
  Ivanovo ISU
  Kazan KFU
  Kostroma KSU
  Krasnodar KSU
  Moscow BMSTU
    NNRU "MEPhI"
  Novocherkassk SRSPU NPI
  Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky KSU
  Saint Petersburg SPbSPU
  Samara SU
  Smolensk SSU
  Tomsk TPU
  Tula TSU
  Vladikavkaz NOSU
  Vladivostok FEFU
  Voronezh VSU
  Yakutsk NEFU
  Yaroslavl YSU
  Yekaterinburg UrFU
Serbia Novi Sad UNS
  Sremska Kamenica Educons Univ.
South Africa Bellville UWC
  Pretoria UNISA
  Somerset West iThemba LABS
  Stellenbosch SU
Tunisia Tunis AAEA
Uzbekistan Samarkand SamSU
  Tashkent AS RUz
Vietnam Hanoi IOP VAST