Project in the theme: |
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1. |
HyperNIS-SRC HyperNuclear intrinsic strangeness and short-range correlations |
D.O. Krivenkov J. Lukstins Deputy: M.A. Patsyuk
1.1. |
HyperNIS experiment |
D.O. Krivenkov J. Lukstins
V.D. Aksinenko, M.H. Anikina, T. Atovullaev, A. Atovullaeva, A.V. Averyanov, S.N. Bazylev, A.E. Baskakov, D.V. Dementiev, A.A. Feschenko, A.A. Fedyunin, A.I. Filippov, S.V. Gertsenberger, A.S. Khvorostukhin, A.M. Korotkova, Yu.A. Murin, O.V. Okhrimenko, S.N. Plyashkevich, N.G. Parfenova, P.A. Rukoyatkin, A.V. Salamatin, A.V. Shipunov, M.O. Shitenkov, A.D. Sheremetiev, I.V. Slepnev, V.M. Slepnev, N.A. Tarasov, A.V. Terleskiy, A.L. Voronin
B.A. Popov, V.V. Tereschenko, S.V. Tereschenko
A.N. Parfenov
Brief annotation and scientific rationale: The study of properties of the lightest hypernuclei is actual, has high significance and the Nuclotron beam is suitable place to investigate these tasks. The study of properties of light neutron-rich hypernuclei is of great interest, first of all, to clarify the theory of the intranuclear nucleon-nucleon interactions: the neutron halo, ΛN interaction including ΛN – ΣN conversion and the spin-dependent ΛN interaction etc. The special interest to this investigation is because of absence of reliable data on 6ΛН properties and theoretical predictions that are strongly depend on model and controversial. Simultaneously, the lifetimes and production cross sections of 4ΛН and 3ΛН will be studied in the same experiment. The and measurement scan be used as “reference points” to confirm the production and decay of 6ΛН.
Expected results upon completion of the project: Experimental conclusion about the existence of the hypernucleus 6ΛН.
New experimental data on the properties of the lightest hypernuclei and experimental verification of corresponding theoretical models for these hypernuclei.
New experimental data on the drip-line location for loosely bound light hypernuclei with high neutron excess, necessary for the development of the theory of neutron-rich hypernuclei and models of their production in non-central nucleus-nucleus interactions.
New experimental data on the production of strangeness and vector mesons (including those, containing strange quarks) by polarized photons (close to the relevant thresholds).
Universal spectrometer for users of the Nuclotron beams.
Expected results of the project this year: Data taking for 6ΛH search using beam of 7Li nuclei. Analysis of the first experimental data for the 6ΛH search and for the measurements of hyperhydrogen isotopes 6ΛH and 4ΛH lifetimes.
Upgrade of the HyperNIS magnetic spectrometer (tracking system) by adding the planes of GEM detectors. These detectors, which have already been (partially) purchased and are being tested at the HyperNIS setup by staff, will be integrated into this setup to improve accuracy of the hypernucleus decay vertex determination. Preparation of a project for joint experiments with SRC, integration of detectors, development of a technical design for a spectrometer with two magnets (installations of a second magnet, supply of communications, supports for detectors), common data acquisition systems (design and tests), MC for the optimal geometry of joint detectors.
Within the collaboration with Japan: data taking at LEPS/LEPS2 setups on the production of strangeness and vector mesons (including those, containing strange quarks) by polarized photons (close to the relevant thresholds); analysis of data on such reactions, taken before.
1.2. |
SRC experiment |
M. Patsyuk |
V.D. Aksinenko, M.H. Anikina, T. Atovullaev, A. Atovullaeva, A.V. Averyanov, A.G. Bochkova, A.A. Feschenko, S.V. Gertsenberger, A.M. Korotkova, O.V. Okhrimenko, S.N. Plyashkevich, N.G. Parfenova, P.A. Rukoyatkin, A.V. Salamatin
V.V. Tereschenko, Y.N. Usikov
A.B. Larionov
Brief annotation and scientific rationale: The properties of nuclei are defined by interaction of their constituents: nucleons on the level of lower resolution and quarks and gluons at high resolution. The relation between these two descriptions remains a challenge. Short-Range Correlated (SRC) pairs of nucleons, which are temporary fluctuations of strongly interacting nucleons at a distance of around nucleon radius and individual momenta larger than that of mean-field nucleons, are coupled to both nuclear scales. Electron scattering experiments have shown the far-reaching impacts SRCs have on the many-body systems, the nucleon-nucleon interaction, and nucleon substructure.
Expected results upon completion of the project: The next experiment being planned right now will involve the use of a tensor polarized deuteron beam from Nuclotron and existing detection equipment at LHEP JINR. Specifically, we will explore polarized deuteron hard scattering off a liquid hydrogen target, with a focus on SRC kinematics. With a polarized deuteron beam of 6 GeV/c/nucleon momentum we will select interactions with |t, u| > 1 (GeV/c)², and a center-of-mass scattering angle around 90 degrees. A coincidence between the two arms of a dedicated spectrometer will identify two protons resulting from the p(d,2p)n reaction. Simultaneous detection of the recoil partner neutron arising from the deuteron's hard breakup will also be possible. The two-arm spectrometer will be akin to the one used in the 2022 SRC/BM@N measurement. Detection of the recoil neutron will necessitate the incorporation of a neutron detector along the beam. It is important to note that the installation of the required detection systems for planned measurements in the HyperNIS experimental area will not disrupt the existing HyperNIS experimental setup. However, a larger band by the magnetic field is needed to obtain the required resolution. For that a second magnet needs to be installed. Another solution is creating a new analyzing magnet instead of the installed one.
Expected results of the project this year: SRC at BM@N data analysis.
Estimation of the momentum resolution of the HyperNIS magnetic spectrometer in the perspective of solving the problems of the SRC experiment.
Estimation of the momentum resolution of the HyperNIS magnetic spectrometer for solving tasks of the SRC experiment.
Activities of the theme: |
Name of the activity |
Leaders |
Implementation period
Laboratory Responsible from laboratories |
Status |
1. |
E.S. Kokoulina V.A. Nikitin |
Project preparation Data taking |
V.B. Dunin, O.P. Gavrischuk, V.V. Popov, S. Y. Sinelcshikova, M.V. Tokarev
A.B. Arbuzov, Yu.A. Bystritsky, V.F. Zykunov
Brief annotation and scientific rationale: In high energy physics, events are usually analyzed for which the deviation from the average multiplicity does not exceed two average values. Events with a higher multiplicity occur extremely rarely, so it is difficult to collect large statistics for them, in addition, there are difficulties in processing them. When planning any experiment, simulations are performed, but despite the fact that the number of Monte Carlo generators increases every year, their predictions deviate significantly in the region of high multiplicity. Setting their parameters at the given energy stops working when moving to a higher energy. All this indicates a significant misunderstanding of the mechanism of multiple production. The study of events with the production of a large number of secondary particles will allow a deeper understanding of strong interactions, including the hadronization stage.
In the region of high multiplicity, a series of collective phenomena with a quantum nature are predicted, such as the formation of a pion (Bose- Einstein) condensate, an excess soft photon (less than 50 MeV) yield, Cherenkov radiation of gluons by quarks, and others. In this region, the longitudinal component of the momentum approaches the transverse component, reaching it. This indicates the disappearance of the leading effect, and in the same region, apparently, the formation of a condensate begins. These and other collective manifestations in the behavior of secondary particles can be studied at the future NICA collider in the SPD project, since it is planned to register events in the absence of any trigger. This project is aimed at studying the gluon component of the nucleon. The study of processes with high multiplicity in the model of gluon dominance developed at JINR will provide additional knowledge about the gluon component of the nucleon and its contribution to hadronization.
Expected results upon completion of the activity: Preparation of a physics program for the study of collective phenomena in the region of high multiplicity in proton and deuterium interactions at the SPD facility at the NICA collider.
Development of the gluon dominance model for the collective behavior study of secondary particles in high multiplicity events at the energies of the future NICA collider at the SPD facility. Estimates of the contribution of gluon bremsstrahlung by quarks and gluon fission as dominant elementary QCD processes in this region. Estimatesof hadronization parameters for different kinds of hadrons.
Designing of a stand-alone multichannel spectrometer-calorimeter for detecting soft photons and using it to measure the polarization by the SPILER polarimeter at the output of a spin polarization source (SPI).
Determination of the critical region of multiplicity, at which the longitudinal and transverse components of the momentum become the same (the disappearance of the leading particle) and the establishment of its connection with the region of the pionic condensate formation.
Optimization of the SpdRoot simulation program.
Expected results of the activity this year: Designing of electronics for reading and controlling silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) of a stand-alone multichannel spectrometer-calorimeter for detecting soft photons and using it to measure the polarization of the SPILER polarimeter at the output of a spin polarization source (SPI).
Manufacture of a spectrometer-calorimeter prototype together with colleagues from Belarus.
The detailed simulation of the deuteron-deuteron interaction at the planing beam energy.
Manufacture of scintillation counters based on vacuum PMTs, and, further, as a development of the workable concept, based on solid-state PMTs (SiPM). Reading control and presentation of the received information will be carried out directly at the source control panel workstation. Testing the prototype on the PNPI beam.
Participation in the development of a physics program at the future SPD facility with unpolarized and polarized beams of light nuclei and protons to study the behavior of multiplicity. Simulation of pp (dd, pd) interactions at energies up to 27 GeV.
Preparation of a physics program aimed at searching for collective phenomena in events with a large (exceeding average) multiplicity, in particular, the pion (Bose-Einstein) condensate discovered at the U-70 accelerator, excess soft photon yield, Cherenkov radiation of gluons by quarks, disappearance of the leading particle effect.
Using the data from the Thermalization project, obtain multiplicity distributions of neutral pions as a function of total multiplicity and confirm their approximation to the Poisson distribution predicted in the works of R. Lednitsky and colleagues. Construct a scheme for hadron annihilation in the gluon dominance model, explain the discovered feature of multiplicity behavior at the Novosibirsk collider experiment in e+e--annihilation in the threshold region of proton-antiproton pair production.
Develop a physics program on a future SPD facility with unpolarized and polarized proton beams and light nuclei to study multiplicity behavior. Simulation of pp (dd, pp) interactions at energies up to 27 GeV and preparation for a detailed study of the parameters of the hadronization stage of charged and neutral particles (mesons and baryons) in the gluon dominance model.
Development and modernization of an algorithm for setting the initial parameters of tracks in the Kalman filter to increase the efficiency of track reconstruction, the accuracy of pulse reconstruction, and finding interaction vertices in the SpdRoot software.
Investigate the influence of the substance in the endcap of the SPD installation on the reconstruction of tracks and the selection of optimal parameters for the reconstruction of tracks.
Develop a software package SpdRoot for working on simulated events close to experimental ones.Preparation of the NEMAN project.