Participation in international experiments



Investigation of the Properties of Nuclear Matter and Particle Structure
at the Collider of Relativistic Nuclei and Polarized Protons
Theme leaders:     R. Lednicky
Yu.A. Panebrattsev

Participating countries and international organizations:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, USA, Vietnam.

The problem under study and the main purpose of the research:
Investigation of the properties of nuclear matter with extremely high density and temperature, search for the signatures of the quark deconfinement and possible phase transitions at the collisions of heavy nuclei at the energies of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Measurement of spin dependent structure functions of nucleons and nuclei using polarized proton beams at RHIC.


Project in the theme:
    Name of the project
Project Leaders
Responsible from laboratories
Project code



Yu.A. Panebrattsev
R. Lednicky




the list of participants is given in Activities

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
The goal of the STAR project (JINR participation) is to study the properties of nuclear matter at extreme densities and temperatures, to search for signatures of quark deconfinement and possible phase transitions in heavy ion collisions over a wide energy range at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The research program also includes the study of the structure functions of quarks and gluons in collisions of transversely and longitudinally polarized protons.

Expected results upon completion of the project: 
Obtaining information about the properties of excited nuclear matter. Participation in experiments with nuclei and polarized protons at the STAR facility at the RHIC nuclear collider at BNL.

Measurement at the STAR facility of spin effects in experiments with polarized protons. Obtaining new information about the spin – dependent distribution functions of quarks and gluons in the proton.

Research of femtoscopic correlations, structure of events and scaling properties of nuclear interactions, global polarization, events with wide transverse momenta.

Conducting experiments on the Beam Energy Scan program BESII in the collider mode and in the fixed target mode. Search for signatures of phase transitions and critical points of QCD.

Development of the STAR detector software and creation of corresponding infrastructure at JINR for processing and analysis of experimental data of the STAR facility at JINR.

Creation of the joint educational programs in relativistic nuclear physics and physics of the microworld together with BNL and JINR member states universities.

Expected results of the project this year: 
Analysis of experimental data using the BES II energy scann program in collider experiments in the energy range 7.7–200 GeV and experiments with a fixed target in the energy range 3.0–7.7 GeV. Search for signatures of phase transitions and the QCD critical point.

Collection of statistics in experiments with gold nuclei and proton-nucleus collisions with еру energy of 200 GeV and the maximum luminosity of the collider in the central region (–1.5 < η < 1.5) and in the region of small angles (2.5 < η < 4.2).

Study of event structure, collective variables, correlation characteristics, femtosopic correlation functions and high-pT processes. Study of femtoscopic correlations in the energy range from 3 to 7.7 GeV. Study of the nuclear modification factor in collisions of gold nuclei at energies of 14.6, 19.6 and 27 GeV.

Software development and creation of infrastructure for processing STAR data at JINR using GRID technologies. Using machine learning methods for data processing.

Creation of media resources and laboratory works with the BNL and universities of the participating countries for training personnel to work at colliders of relativistic nuclei and polarized protons.

Study the possibility of future expansion of the investigation of nuclear structure and proton spin structure in e-p and e-A collisions at the NICA complex, as well as study the possibility of participating in the development of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) project.

Development of proposals for the creation of detectors for studying polarization phenomena at colliders, including the NICA collider.

Activities of the theme:
    Name of the activity Leaders
Implementation period
Laboratory    Responsible from laboratories Status
1. Participation in experiments and data analysis according to the BESII energy scan program. Search for signatures of phase transitions and the QCD critical point

Yu.A. Panebrattsev


Data taking
Data analysis
VBLHEP A. Aitbayev, A.A. Aparin, G.S. Averichev, T.G. Dedovich, V.B. Dunin, A.O. Kechechyan, A.A. Korobitsyn, S.S. Panyushkina, V.V. Tikhomirov, M.V. Tokarev, Vinh Ba Luong, G.A. Yarygin

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Data processing using the BESII energy scan program in collider mode and in fixed-target mode.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Drawing conclusions about phase transition signatures and the QCD critical point based on data analysis of the BESII program.

Expected results of the activity this year:
Study of event structure, collective variables, correlation characteristics, femtosopic correlation functions and high-pT processes. Study of femtoscopic correlations in the energy range from 3 to 7.7 GeV. Study of the nuclear modification factor in collisions of gold nuclei at energies of 14.6, 19.6 and 27 GeV.

2.  Study of spin effects in collisions of transversely polarized protons with protons and nuclei. Measurement of inclusive transverse spin asymmetries and fragmentation functions

M.V. Tokarev


VBLHEP A.A. Aparin, T.G. Dedovich, V.V. Lyuboshits, E.I. Schakhaliev, O.V. Teryaev

MLIT Zh.Zh. Musulmanbekov

BLTP S.V. Goloskokov

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Study of the structure functions of quarks and gluons in collisions of transversely and longitudinally polarized protons at an energy of 510 GeV and in collisions of polarized protons with nuclei at an energy of 200 GeV. Analysis of experimental data using the Cold QCD program.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Conducting experiments with longitudinally and transversely polarized protons at a maximum energy of 510 GeV.

Analysis of experimental data using the Cold QCD program. This allowed us to study the distributions of Sievers, transversity, Collins fragmentation functions in previously inaccessible regions and expand the program for the analysis of asymmetries of the production of W± and Z0 bosons.

Expected results of the activity this year:
Execution of an experimental program with transversely polarized protons at an energy of 200 GeV.

Performing measurements in a wide range of pseudo-rapidities of –1.5 < ƞ <1.5 (central region) and 2.8 < ƞ < 4.2 (forward rapidity), corresponding to the range of Bjorken variable 0.005 < x < 0.5.

3.  The study of event structure,
collective effects, femtoscopic
correlations and high-pT processes

R. Lednicky
Yu.A. Panebrattsev


VBLHEP G.N. Agakishiev, A.A. Aparin, T.G. Dedovich, A.O. Kechechyan, A.A. Korobitsyn, Vinh Ba Luong, G.A. Nigmatkulov, S.S. Panyushkina, E.I. Schakhaliev,  M.V. Tokarev
MLIT G.A. Ososkov

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Further development and application of correlation femtoscopy methods developed at JINR for the analysis of experimental data.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Study of the space-temporal parameters of the production processes, using correlations of identical and non-identical particles, including hyperons, considering the interaction in the final state and spin correlations, to clarify the equation of state of dense and super dense nuclear matter similar to that in neutron stars.

Expected results of the activity this year:
Study of the fractal structure of events depending on the transverse momentum.

Determination of the fractal structure of interactions in events with high multiplicity. Determination of spatiotemporal parameters in the fixed-target mode.

Study of the production of neutral kaons in the region of small transverse momenta.

4. Modernization of the STAR facility for measurements in the rapidity region of 2.5 < η < 4.2.
Collection of statistics on collisions of gold nuclei at an energy of 200 GeV and the maximum luminosity of the RHIC collider

Yu.A. Panebrattsev


Data taking
Data processing
Data analysis
VBLHEP A.A. Aitbaev, G.N. Agakishiev, A.A. Aparin, G.S. Averichev, T.G. Dedovich, A.O. Kechechyan, G.A. Nigmatkulov, Vinh Ba Luong, O.V. Rogachevsky, E.I. Schakhaliev, M.V. Tokarev
MLIT N.I. Gromova, V.V. Mitsyn

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Implementation of an experimental program with heavy nuclei using the Hot QCD Physics program in the extended acceptance of the STAR facility in the region of high rapidity and increased luminosity of the RHIC collider.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Investigation, within the framework of the Hot QCD Physics program, the microstructure of QGP in gold-gold collisions at the energy of 200 GeV to refine the QCD phase diagram and determine the properties of QGP at small scales.

Expected results of the activity this year:
Obtaining an experimental data of the Hot QCD program for collisions of gold nuclei at a maximum energy of 200 GeV and maximum luminosity of the collider.

5. Development of the software and
formation of the infrastructure
for the STAR data processing
at JINR. Application of machine learning methods for data processing

Yu.A. Panebrattsev
V.V. Korenkov


VBLHEP A.A. Aparin, G.N. Agakishiev, A.A. Korobitsyn, P.D. Semchukov

MLIT N. Balashov, V.V. Mitsyn, G.A. Ososkov, T.A. Strizh

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Using distributed computing capabilities (JINR GRID structure) to process data from the STAR experiment. Development of machine learning methods for analyzing experimental data from the STAR facility.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Preparation of experimental data from runs 2022–2024 in the formats for data processing at JINR.

Development of new data processing methods.

Expected results of the activity this year:
Development of machine learning methods for analyzing experimental data from the STAR facility.

6. Creation of media resources and laboratory works with the BNL and universities of the participating countries for training personnel to work at colliders of relativistic nuclei and polarized protons.

N.E. Sidorov
K.V. Klygina


VBLHEP E.I. Golubeva, M.P. Osmachko, P.D. Semchukov, N.I. Vorontsova
UC S.N. Balalykin, Hoang Bao Han Nguyen, L.V. Platonova, O.A. Smirnov, T.G. Stroganova

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Development of media resources and laboratory workы for training personnel to work at colliders of relativistic nuclei and polarized protons.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Preparation of educational and presentation materials on studying the structure of matter and nucleus-nucleus interactions in experiments at colliders (RHIC, NICA).

Expected results of the activity this year:
Preparation of a VR excursion to the NICA accelerator complex, preparation of a textbook "Experimental Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Electronics", development of an exhibition in the NICA/MPD hall.

7. Development of proposals
on creating detectors for
study of polarization
phenomena at colliders

V.B. Dunin


Project development
VBLHEP V.V. Fimushkin

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Development of proposals for the creation of detectors for polarimetry at the NICA collider.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Creation of a polarimeter that will provide an accuracy of about 2 % in 300 seconds at a current of 10 mA. 

Expected results of the activity this year:
Production of a prototype of a universal proton polarimeter, where it is planned to place 4 clusters of silicon detectors placed at angles of 110 and 130 degrees, allowing to measure the asymmetry in the 6Li(p3He)4He reaction.

8. Study the possibility of future expansion of the investigation of nuclear structure and proton spin structure in e-p and e-A collisions at the NICA complex, as well as study the possibility of participating in the development of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) project

A.A. Aparin


Project development
VBLHEP V.B. Dunin, A.A. Korobitsyn, N.A. Lashmanov, S.S. Panyushkina, V.Yu. Rogov

DLNP A.S. Zhemchugov

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Further prospects for research in the field of relativistic nuclear physics are associated with the creating and conducting experiments at electron-ion colliders. Studies of spin effects at the EIC appear to complement the physics program of the SPD experiment at the NICA collider.

Expected results upon completion of the activity: 
Together with JINR Member States, participation in the preparation of the EIC physics program. Preparation of proposals for the participation of the JINR group in the development of the technical design of one of the detectors for studying electron-ion collisions.

Expected results of the activity this year:
Creation of a stand based on a scintillation hodoscope with the collection of data from silicone photomultipliers for work on creating a prototype of a DIRC Cherenkov detector.

Country or International Organization City Institute or laboratory
Armenia Yerevan Foundation ANSL
Azerbaijan Baku IRP ANAS
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
China Lanzhou IMP CAS
  Wuhan CCNU
Cuba Havana InSTEC
Czech Republic Rez NPI CAS
Egypt Cairo AUC
France Nantes SUBATECH
India Chandigarh PU
  Jammu Univ.
  Tirupati IISER
Kazakhstan Almaty INP
Mexico Mexico City UNAM
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar MNUE
Russia Dolgoprudny MIPT
  Moscow ITEP
    NNRU "MEPhI"
  Protvino IHEP
  Saint Petersburg SPbSU
Serbia Belgrade INS "VINCA"
  Novi Sad UNS
Slovakia Bratislava IP SAS
  Kosice UPJS
USA Berkeley, CA Berkeley Lab
  Bloomington, IN IU
  Chicago, IL UIC
  Lemont, IL ANL
  New Haven, CT Yale Univ.
  Stony Brook, NY SUNY
  University Park, PA Penn State
  Upton, NY BNL
Vietnam Da Lat DNRI