
Fundamental and Applied Physics Research
with Relativistic Particle Beams

Theme leader:    A.A. Baldin

Participating countries and international organizations:
Armenia, Belarus, Chile, Russia, United Kingdom.
The problem under study and the main purpose of the research:
It is planned to develop fundamental and applied fields of experimental research with beams of relativistic particles, including the acceleration complex NICA at the Test Zone of the SPD experiment (experimental facility "MARUSYA"), experiments at the front part of the extraction channel of Nuclotron to the F3 focus, as well as with beams LINAC-200 (800) electron accelerator in the framework of the new collaboration FLAP (Fundamental&applied Linear Accelerator Physics collaboration), namely, investigation of the mechanisms of electromagnetic interactions and new applications involving the creation of neutron sources, controllable generation of various types of electromagnetic radiation  using relativistic electrons, development of new methods of charged particle beam diagnostics, testing and calibration of detectors of particles and radiations for collider and other accelerator experiments.

Project in the theme:

   Name of the project Project Leaders Project code
Laboratory   Responsible from laboratories Status
Fundamental&applied research with beams of relativistic accelerated
A.A. Baldin
Vit.V. Bleko
Development and testing
of diagnostic systems
Data acquisition and analysis
VBLHEP V.A. Alexandrov, V.I. Astakhov, E.G. Baldina, A.V. Beloborodov, Ver.V.  Bleko, D.N. Bogoslovskiy, E.A. Bushmina, A.V. Butenko, S.A. Chetverikov, P.R. Khar'yuzov, E.A. Klevtsova, V.V. Kobets, D.S. Korovkin, V.A. Kukharev, A.B. Safonov, V.G. Shabratov, A.V. Skrypnik, S.Yu. Starikova, A.P. Sumbaev, Yu.A. Troyan

DLNP V.V. Glagolev, M.I. Gostkin, D.L. Demin, M.A. Nozdrin, A.N. Fedorov, A.S. Zhemchugov

MLIT E.K. Kuz'mina, M.M. Pashkova, V.S. Semashko, S.V. Semashko

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
It is planned to develop the fields of research at which the new collaboration FLAP (Fundamental & applied Linear Accelerator Physics collaboration) is focused, namely, investigation of the mechanisms of electromagnetic interactions and new applications, including the creation of neutron sources, controllable generation of various types of electromagnetic radition, such as diffraction Cherenkov and THz radiation in a range from 1 to 10 THz by relativistic electrons. Development of the new methods of charged particle beam diagnostics, testing and calibration of particle and radiation detectors for collider and other accelerator experimetns, including teh creation of time-of-flight calibrated beams of secondary neutrons with energies from thermal to 20 MeV.

Expected results upon completion of the project:
The main global results of the project will be:
- creation of a unique scientific-research installation for investigation of the mechanisms of generation of electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range from 1 mm (microwave range) to 1 pm (g radiation) at interaction of relativistic electron beams wtih matter and external electromagnetic fields;

- development of fundamentally novel approaches to generation of electromagnetic radiation wiht controllable parameters based on the application of targets from functional materials;

- development of new nondestructive methods of charged particle beam diagnostics;

- development, testing and calibration of charged particle detectors and radiations for NICA SPD and MPD experiments:

- radiobiological studies with acclerated electron beams and secondary g  quanta and neutrons:
- development of a pulsed neutron source with known parameters for investigations in the field of extreme states of matter:
- experiments on the search of hypothetic particles beyond the Standard Model.

Expected results of the project this year:
Creation and beam testing of particle detectors based on fast scintillator.

Registration of GHz and THz radiation from active targets irradiated by relativistic electron beams.

Creation of the time of flight test bench for registration of secondary neutrons.

Testing of stilbene-based scintillators for n - g separation.

Activities of the theme: 
  Name of the activity Leaders  Implementation period
Laboratory    Responsible from laboratories Status
1. Processing, digitizing, and analysis of primary experimental  information (films) obtained using bubble chambers A.A. Baldin
E.A. Klevtsova


Data analysis
VBLHEP S.G. Arakelyan, E.G. Baldina, A.V. Belyaev, A.V. Beloborodov, Ver.V. Bleko, Vit.V. Bleko, D.N. Bogoslovsky, E.A. Bushmina, S.A. Chetverikov, D.S. Korovkin, N.E. Kukharev, V.A. Pukhaeva, O.V. Rogachevsky, A.B. Safonov, A.Yu. Troyan, Yu.A. Troyan

MLIT E.K. Kuz'mina, M.M. Pashkova, V.S.Rikhvitsky, V.S. Semashko, S.V. Semashko

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Continuation of filling in the experimental data base on multiple particle production in an energy range from 1 to 300 GeV obtained in experiments with bubble chambers.

Analysis of experimental data in the internediate energy range in relativistic physics based on the self-similarity approach and application of the properties of Lobachevsky geometry for description of multiple particle production.

Search and study of new phenomena in the conditions of registration of «soft processes» of particle production with high spatial and momentum resolution which is inavailable in modern electronic experiments.

Expected results at the end of the activity:
Creation of the required equipment for digitizing of experimental film information obtained using bubble chambers and in fixed-target  electronic experiments in the conditions of registration of multiple particle production in an energy range of 1-300 GeV.

Preparation of the educational program for  students qualifying for the NICA project.

Comparison of the results obtained using the bubble chambers and the simulations with modern models. Development of recommendations for the strategy of experimental research at the accelerator complex NICA.

Publication of the results of analysis of bubble chamber data.

Expected major results in the current year:
Creation of the electronic data base from scanned photofilms and processes stereo images.

Organization of the procedure of storage and processing of the obtained images using the JINR LIT capacities.

More precise determination of the results obtained using the 2 m and 1 m hydrogen bubble chambers.

2. Investigation of deep subthreshold processes,
applied and educational programs 
at MARUSYA setup

A.A. Baldin
D.S. Korovkin


Data taking
VBLHEP V.A. Arefiev, S.V. Afanasiev, V.I.Astakhov, E.G. Baldina, S.N. Bazylev, A.I. Berlev, A.V. Beloborodov, Ver.V. Bleko, Vit.V. Bleko,  D.N. Bogoslavsky, E.A. Bushmina, S.A. Chetverikov, P.R. Kharyuzov,  E.A. Klevtsova, V.A. Kukharev, A.B.Safonov, S.Yu. Starikova, A.P. Sumbaev, A.Yu. Troyan, Yu.A. Troyan

BLTP S.G. Bondarenko
MLIT V.V. Korenkov, E.K. Kuz'mina, M.M. Pashkova, V.S. Semashko, S.V. Semashko

DLNP A.N. Fedorov

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Experimental studies of deep subthreshold and cumulative reations at extracted beams of Nucltron-N (SPD Test Zone, MARUSYA facility).

Performing correlation experiments with registration of groups of particles in the final state with one cumulative particle. Studies in the pre-cumulative and cumulative regtions with extracted polarized beams.

Expected results at the end of the activity:
New experimental data on A-dependences of rare subthreshold and cumulative processes of pion, kaon, and light nuclei production depending on the type and energy of projectile nuclei, momentum and angle of registered particles.

New upgraded facility supplemented with detectors for correlation experiments: multichannel gamma spectrometer, multiplicity detector, neutron detector.

Expected major results in the current year:
Putting in operation of the upgraded magnetooptical channel of MARUSYA facility.

Reconstruction of the experimental zone of the spectrometer channel at F4. Creation of the new data acquisition system of the facility. Putting in operation of track detectors. Development and creation of the neutron detector. Testing of the Cherenkov detector.

Testing of the prototype detectors for the SPD experiment. Continuation of experiments at extracted beams of Nuclotron-N wtih maximum available intensity. Development of the software for simulation and processing of experimental data.
3.   Neutron resonance spectroscopy A.A. Baldin
V.N. Shvetsov


Data taking
VBLHEP V.I. Astakhov, E.G. Baldina, A.V. Beloborodov, Ver.V. Bleko, Vit.V. Bleko,  D.N. Bogoslavskiy, E.A. Bushmina, S.A. Chetverikov, P.R. Kharyuzov,  E.A. Klevtsova, V.A. Kukharev, A.B. Safonov, S.Yu. Starikova, A.P. Sumbaev, Yu.A. Troyan
MLIT S.V. Semashko
FLNP N.V. Rebrova

Brief annotation and scientific rationale:
Experimental study of the methods for registration and measurement of neutron resonances upon passage of radiation generated by a neutron source through various materials. Neutron resonance spectroscopy and radiography for investigation of the properties of materials in extreme states.

Development and study of the methods of nondestructive inspection of samples and materials using thermal and epithermal neutrons.

A neutron image detector with high spatial (20-50 mkm) and time (50-100 ns) resolution will be developed in the framework of development of methods of real-time neutron tomography with thermal and resonance neutrons.  This study is aimed at a broad range of fast processes in the field of the physics of extreme states of matter and material research. This method will allow one to study the physical and chemical composition of machine-building materials, gaseous cavities inside structural materials with high atomic mass. Another important advantage of neutron radiography is the possibility of visualization of hydrogen-containing substances in a metal matrix.

Expected results at the end of the activity:
Practical implementation of the method of nondestructive measurement of parameters of materials in extreme states. Practical implementation of the method of nondestructive study of composite materials.

Study of the feasibility of development of low-current power supply elements based on decay of unstable isotopes produced using a neutron source.

Expected major results in the current year:
Numerical and experimental determination of optimal characteristics of the neutron source.

Experimental determination of an optimal configuration of the experiment design to achieve the required measurement precision.

Improvement of methods for registration of parameters of neutron resonances.

Measurement of experimental spectra of neutrons from various materials irradiated by accelerated electron beams.

Country or International Organization City Institute or laboratory
Armenia Yerevan IAPP NAS RA
Belarus Minsk INP BSU
Chile Santiago UNAB CTEPP
Russia Belgorod BelSU
    Erendi Vakuum
  Dubna IAS "Omega"
  Gatchina NRC KI PNPI
  Moscow LPI RAS
  Saint Petersburg SPbSPU
  Tomsk TPU
  Vladikavkaz VTC "Baspik"
United Kingdom London JAI@RHUL